Personal Reflection and Identification: my Journey through Christianity and Ethics

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Personal Reflection on Christianity

The worldview I identify with most is Christianity. It is a religion I was born and raised in, and I am continuously gaining insight as I live life. I have thought that Christianity is about one life, the life of Jesus, the son of God. The Bible, a book of scriptures with 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, is used to educate people that Jesus himself was God and came as a human being. It also teaches that being that people Sin by nature as well as by choice, we have disobeyed our Creator.

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We as humans need to be restored to the Creator, and Jesus arrived to ensure that restoration is fulfilled.

Self Identity and the Nature of Humankind

The nature of humankind in Christianity is the belief that humans were created in the exact image of God. Genesis 1:26-27 reads that God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God made man in his exact image; in the image of God, he created him; male and female, he created them.

I think Christianity’s diagnosis of what is wrong with humankind is Sin itself. The disobedience of Adam and Eve is what brought the negativity that still exists to this day. It is understood that Adam’s Sin had a significant effect on humanity. When Adam sinned, he was cast from the Garden of Eden and caused permanent damage to the human soul, and every human being since the birth of Adam will be born with sinful tendencies.

I have been taught that to be freed from Sin; I would have to be saved or rescued by turning my life over to God. Although I am saved, I still have to see a priest and or pray to God for my confessions privately. I believe that being saved is the prescription for putting it right. As long as I am faithful to God, he will be faithful to me and forgive me of my sins.

I believe the unresolved issues occur because of the different types of religions and beliefs people have within this world. People want to believe their religion is the appropriate way to live life. Ephesians 4:26 states, “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger” ( As for intellectual difficulties, the Bible reads, “God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. The Lord is good to all, and his mercy is all over all that he has made.” (Psalm 145:8-9) This scripture lets me know that God loves and cares for us all and created us without exception.

Values, Goals, and Relationships

My most important instrumental and terminal values are ambition, honesty, self-respect, happiness, family security, salvation, and health. I would like to think these values fall within the “big rocks” and “Golden Rule” bucket. I choose these two because I am constantly caring for my family and seem always to put them first no matter what, and I try to live life with a “Win-Win” mindset. I enormously respect mutual benefits within interactions. (Covey, Merrill & Merrill, 1994 pg. 213)

The two roles that stood out the most within my assignments were personal development and family involvement. I chose these two because I am constantly proactive in improving my relationships with others, and I enjoy spending time with my family and participating in family activities. My goals for improving my personal development include finding a mentor who can help guide me through life’s trials and tribulations, taking time out at the end of the day to reflect and continuing to stay consistent in efforts to create a meaningful change.

My goals for family involvement include weekend sleepovers at my mom’s house and movie dates once a month with the family for entertainment. I have always had good relationships with family and friends; they can talk to me about anything. Sometimes, I need to be a good listener to understand what they say before advising them. (Covey, Merrill & Merrill, 1994 pgs. 212-213). The insights gained from this activity are that I care for others and strive to be a better person daily.

Professional Ethics and Worldview

My mission statement is to provide the highest quality care to those I care for, love, and am honored to serve. My skillset is providing compassionate care often as I seek opportunities to continue to improve my services to exceed expectations. I am currently a Senior Supervisor at an aviation company in New York. The company’s mission is to serve the global airfreight industry with leading-edge technology and value-creating solutions that allow all its customers to realize their goals and facilitate the expansion of global trade.

As an employee, I received an employee company handbook containing information regarding the Code of Conduct. This book applies to the entire company; everyone must adhere to its content. My company strives to provide honest, ethical conduct, which includes the ethical handling of actual, apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relations. We try to avoid conflicts of interest, stay compliant with governmental laws, rules, and regulations, and require prompt reporting of violations of the Code of Ethics and accountability for adherence to the COE. We are also committed to integrity (Farrell et al., 2019, p. 59). To ensure my company is not participating in unethical practices, we offer training in addition to monitoring, auditing, and improving systems and practices (Farrell et al., 2019, p. 197). Because we are an aviation company, we have to obey the regulations.

In the end, although we have different beliefs, views, and opinions, we must ensure that we understand that the way we see things is the way we see things. All we can do is try to learn the views of others and keep in mind that unethical practices will deter people from the overall “Win-Win” goal.


  1. Bible. (n.d.). Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 145:8-9; Ephesians 4:26.
  2. Open Bible. (n.d.). Resolving conflict. Retrieved from
  3. Covey, S. R., Merrill, A. R., & Merrill, R. R. (1994). First Things First. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.
  4. Farrell, O. C., Fraedrich, J., & Ferrell, L. (2019). Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
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Personal Reflection and Identification: My Journey Through Christianity and Ethics. (2023, Sep 01). Retrieved from