O.J Simpson Trail

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The O.J Simpson case was a criminal trial. Simpson was charged on June 12, 1994 for the murder of his ex wife Nicole Brown Simpson and his wifes friend Ronald Goldman. The case was held in the Los Angeles County Superior Court, the trail started January 25,1995 and ended October 2, 1995.During the trial there were up to 58 witnesses,https://www.upcounsel.com/lectl-prosecution-witnesses-in-the-oj-simpson-criminal-tri al ( Prosecution witnesses in the O.J Simpson criminal trial), it stated. “The first witness, police dispatcher Sharon Gilbert, testified on January 31.

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The 58th and final witness.”
California spent over 20 million dollars on the Simpson trial. There was a lot of evidence at the crime scene, like O.J. Simpson’s DNA.
https://kiltyscorner.typepad.com/files/1.82-oj-simpson-case-summary.pdf (O.J Simpson case summary) it stated,”Bloody footprints of shoes that matched shoes Mr. Simpson owned. • Hair Samples located on the bodies and crime scene • Articles of clothing that were located at Mr. Simpson residence”, at the end of the whole trial they found Simpson not guilty.
Even though there was substantial evidence such as DNA and a later-discovered letter indicating his guilt, Simpson never admitted to killing his ex-wife and her friend. He wrote a letter, which one of his friends, Robert Kardashian, disclosed to the public. This disclosure led people to believe that Simpson might commit suicide. The letter stated, “To whom it may concern: First, everyone understands I have nothing to do with Nicole’s murder. I loved her, always have and always will. If we had a problem, it’s because I loved her so much. I’ve had a good life. I’m proud of how I lived. My mama taught me to do unto others. I treated people the way I wanted to be treated. I’ve always tried to be upfront and helpful, so why is this happening? I’m sorry for the Goldman family. I know how much it hurts. Don’t feel sorry for me. I’ve had a great life, great friends. Please think of the real O.J., not this lost person. Thanks for making my life special. I hope I helped yours.” This led to a car chase, and it seemed that Simpson would commit suicide. However, public cries for him not to do so prevailed, and he was later arrested.
After all of the evidence the jury was shown, the dna which is a big part of the reason why he killed his ex wife and his friend, in http://famous-trials.com/simpson/1857-evidence,( The Trial of O.J Simpson: The Incriminating Evidence) it stated, “The matching bloody gloves found at the murder scene and outside Simpson’s home”, some people might hear that and just say it was probably a set up, but there is more evidence, on the website it stated,”Allan Park sees a man wearing dark clothes, about 6-feet tall and 200 pounds, walk across the driveway of the Simpson residence”. O.J Simpson is 6’1 which is close to Allans descrpiction. It also stated,”Hair evidence: (1) hairs consistent with that of Simpson found on cap at Bundy residence, (2) hairs consistent with that of Simpson found on Ron Goldman’s shirt.” They found a lot of Evidence which was mostly DNA but the Jury came to the conclusion that he was innocent which isn’t right.
My position on the verdict is that O.J Simpson is guilty. There was a lot of evidence showing this, from his DNA at the crime scene to witnesses seeing him, and even the car chase. At the crime scene, they found shoe prints matching the ones he had. Additionally, they found one glove at the murder scene and one at his house. There were also eyewitnesses like Allan Park, who saw a 6-foot-tall man crossing the Simpson residence driveway; this could have been Simpson himself, as he is 6’1. During the car chase, Simpson held a gun to his head and threatened suicide, a reaction perhaps brought on by the media’s accusations that he had killed his wife. Another possibility is that he was weighed down by guilt and was seeking an end. Hence, I argue that he is guilty.

However, I do take issue with the social dynamics of the trial. I question the jury’s rationale in declaring Simpson innocent when there was a multitude of incriminating evidence. My guess is that Simpson’s celebrity status likely influenced the jury’s verdict. The idea that Simpson, a revered figure in American society due to his careers in football, broadcasting, acting, and advertising, could commit such a heinous act seemed impossible to many.

Furthermore, I speculate that the fear of public backlash may have swayed the jury’s decision. Supporters of Simpson could tarnish the jury’s reputation by vilifying them as the individuals who put their idol behind bars. Another point of contention was the racial component. If the jury had declared Simpson guilty, accusations of racial bias would have been inevitable, given that Simpson is African American.

In conclusion, societal factors played an undeniable role in this trial. Society seemed unable or unwilling to believe he was capable of such deeds. If the jury had incarcerated him, racism would have become an issue, despite the abundant evidence that pointed to his guilt. Additionally, Simpson’s celebrity status complicated the matter further, making it a societal dilemma rather than a simple criminal case.

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O.J Simpson trail. (2019, Dec 14). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/o-j-simpson-trail/