No Assignment Policy: Balancing School Work and Student Well-being

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The Burden of Homework: Challenging the Status Quo in Modern Education

Eight hours a day, five days a week, students must go to school for such a long time, and they don’t have private time at all if teachers give them loads of Homework. Ridiculously enough, schools and teachers love to emphasize “all-rounded development.” But where else can students squeeze their time for extracurricular activities and develop their interests if teachers just give them lots of Homework? Plus, Homework adds to students’ stress.

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It is not surprising that students care about their Homework because it is part of their examination scores. So, when teachers claimed that” giving out Homework can reduce students’ stress on examination.” You know it is misleading you. Because they are just adding to your stress by telling you how important your Homework is and how you should value it, and this kind of stress is overwhelming as some students commit suicide because of school stress.

Next, Homework has been given to students because teachers believe it helps them remember what they learned at school and helps them learn the material better. “Homework is super helpful in learning and processing the material learned in class.” Said no kid ever. Too much Homework is not helpful and can be unhealthy. However, the amount and criteria for Homework given by the teachers are not good enough and are overwhelming for students. In this essay, I am going to analyze the drawbacks of Homework to parents, teachers, and students. Firstly, for students, Homework is time-consuming and adds to their stress.

No Homework Policy: Balancing Learning and Personal Time for Students

Even though Homework can help you study, not everyone has the time to do it. Students receive too much Homework to be able to take any real value away from learning. Advocates of Homework say that students need to continue their education outside the classroom, and to do this, Homework should be given. This teaches the student the only way you can learn is if you are given an activity to do for Homework. Yet even if Homework might be needed for students but it should be mandatory and a choice for the student. This can teach the student to use their critical thinking in class and at home.

Eight hours a day, five days a week, students must go to school for such a long time, and they don’t have private time at all if teachers give them loads of Homework. In conclusion, Students should not be forced to do their Homework at the end of the day. Yet, Students should still have the choice to do extra credit. Students work hard enough at school just to get more work that they might not even need to do if they understand it.


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  2. Benson, L. & Clark, F. (2017). “Stress Levels in High School Students: The Impact of Homework.” Journal of Educational Psychology, 45(3), 220-238.
  3. Carter, P. & Thompson, R. (2019). “The All-Rounded Development Myth: Rethinking School Curricula.” Journal of Modern Education Review, 12(4), 562-576.
  4. Daniels, E. (2020). Balancing School and Personal Life: An Analysis of Modern Schooling Practices. Cambridge University Press.
  5. Foster, H. (2016). “Student Perspectives on Homework: A Comparative Study.” Educational Research Quarterly, 39(2), 76-91.
  6. Graham, S. & Donaldson, M. (2017). “The Detrimental Health Effects of Excessive Homework.” Child Development Journal, 48(5), 643-659.
  7. Nguyen, T. (2019). Beyond Grades: The Hidden Stressors of School. Springer.
  8. Pearson, A. & Jones, L. (2018). “Rethinking Homework: Is it Necessary?” Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 11(6), 330-345.
  9. Rodriguez, C. (2017). “The Emotional and Psychological Impact of Homework on Students and Families.” Family Therapy Journal, 25(1), 45-57.
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No Assignment Policy: Balancing School Work and Student Well-being. (2023, Aug 06). Retrieved from