Balancing School and Work

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Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Balancing School and Work

Offer strategies and insights on balancing school and work commitments effectively. Discuss time management, prioritization, stress management, and the importance of setting realistic goals. Provide tips for maintaining a healthy work-study-life balance, and include anecdotes or case studies of individuals successfully managing both. On PapersOwl, there’s also a selection of free essay templates associated with Employment.

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We spoke with several current and former students about how they can balance work and study. It turned out – if you follow a few simple principles, it can be pretty easy.

1. Prioritize and plan
Define priorities both in work responsibilities – the most important work that will bring the greatest result, and in homework assignments – the most significant work of the semester, without which it is impossible to complete the course, as well as the most important minor work, the deadline for which has already come.

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After that, combine the priority lists and determine the time required to complete each job. A carefully crafted plan (preferably in writing) will create a sense of confidence that you can control the situation.

Classmates have always envied Liene Krivena, who, during her studies, performed and handed overwork on time. She advises: “Set aside a couple of hours in your daily life that you will devote only to studying. The main thing is to do it systematically and purposefully, not succumbing to the temptation to postpone the time provided for study for another day. “

2. Consider the infrastructure
As obvious as it may sound, it will be easier to combine work, study and rest in the place where you study. Located not very far from where you make money. Distance is a relative thing, but you still need to try to choose a job so that you can get to it by public transport without transfers, or so that the road by bike does not take up your last strength (after all, you will still need to work or study after the trip).

3. Continue after practice.
If you continue to work in a company where you did your summer internship before, it will be easier to combine work and study. Of course, finding a place to practice is easier than staying there on a permanent basis, but many businesses are open to young professionals. It is important that the experience gained during the practice will be appreciated by the management, and it will be easier for you to get used to the processes of the company.

In addition, you will not need to explain to your boss why you go to university in the mornings, and from semester to semester you will be able to devote more and more time to work since the number of lectures will gradually decrease (of course, with the approach of term papers and bachelor’s projects, do not forget about the first point and in time to shift the emphasis to study).

4. Use your knowledge
Often, even regardless of whether the study is related to the profession in which you work, the knowledge gained at the university is better to put into practice immediately — you will be surprised when you see how much specific theoretical knowledge can be used in any daily work. During the Career Ladder event organized by SEB Bank, Edgars Neilands, CEO of Labie Koki, shared similar examples from his life. He mastered the profession of a gardener at Bulduri Horticultural College, and integrated the acquired knowledge not only into work, but also into further education at the Faculty of Cultural History.

5. Become your own employer
Working in an office or anywhere else with a clear daily schedule isn’t the only way to make a living and grow your career. Years of study are also suitable for trying yourself in business. Many young people are intimidated by this prospect, but it is not necessary to start with the construction of a factory or an IT giant. You can start in a business incubator (some work under the auspices of universities). The main thing is the desire and willingness to be independent, a good idea and a partner with a similar attitude.

5. Be honest and demanding of yourself

In those moments when it seems that there is too much of everything, remind yourself why you even started what you are doing. “It is clear that you cannot get absolutely everything at once. Hard work and determination – this is what allowed me, thanks to the knowledge I gained in the master’s degree, to found my own company at the age of 26, as well as raise my daughter and meet friends on weekends, ”says Zane Zarina, who worked as a waitress during her studies. This did not prevent her from graduating from the University of Latvia, being one of the best students on the course.

It will be difficult to follow all these principles at once, but start with at least one. When you successfully integrate it into your daily life, tackle the next one. Laura Zveiniece, a student of the Higher School of Banking, has been combining work with study since the first year of her studies. She says that, in her opinion, only two things are important: “This is good planning and understanding why I am doing this. If I can answer these questions and devote enough time to planning work, then there is time for friends, family and parties. ” Now Laura continues to adhere to these principles, studying for a master’s degree and at the same time working full-time.

6. Don’t forget to rest
Whatever achievements and ambitions drive us forward, every person needs rest. Prominent American journalist Sidney J. Harris said that the time for rest comes when you don’t have time for it. Every second of rest will help you look at things from a different perspective and will give you new strength and inspiration to move on.

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Balancing School And Work. (2021, Jun 30). Retrieved from