My Academic Interests in Chemical and Material Science

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While at the high school, I developed a deep-rooted passion for the use of polymers in the construction of candy bags as a hobby because, in Nigeria, mass pollution of the environment with polybags is a common practice by commuters, and I have always wanted to cut this practices to the barest minimum. This influenced my decision to study Chemical Engineering later at the university. Since graduation, my wish to build much more compact and reliable materials for cars, computers, homes, and other relating gadget accessories using materials needed for the next generation of solar cells and windmill which are clean and renewable sources of energy has even become much stronger as the globe fights the effects of climate change.

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This whets my appetite for research on such materials and how to use them for design. I am passionate about a graduate program that will help me to develop my skills farther in this direction. For this reason, I wish to pursue a Masters in Chemical and Material Engineering: Chemical and Material Science.

Master in Chemical and Materials Engineering

Solid academic backgrounds, earlier Industrial Training, passion for one’s chosen course of study and integrity I sincerely believe, is critical to success at graduate school. Recognizing the need for me to strengthen my academic foundation having left school for the past one-year now, I have spent the last six months studying independently. Some of the books I have read are as follows:

  • Polymer Science and Technology by Joel R. Fried
  • Element of Chemical Reaction Engineering by Scott H. Fogler
  • Advanced Engineering Mathematics by K. A. Stroud
  • Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes by Binay K. Dutta

Also, I have worked on some laudable projects such as the production of Biosurfactants from palm oil mill effluent (POME) used for bioremediation of crude-oil spillage on soil and water as well as in the removal of oil residue from storage tanks and, in the design of a plant for the batch process production of high impact grade polystyrene (HIPS) using suspension polymerization method. The valuable experience I gained whilst working on these projects will be instrumental in the successful completion of my studies. Moreover, integrity is my watchword. All the way through my undergraduate studies, I was never punished for examination malpractice, plagiarism or any other distasteful practices.

Why Virje Universiteit Brussel?

For me, a good graduate program is one that affords students excellent and unique research opportunities to enable them to further their research interests. Virje Universiteit Brussel is good at providing students with research experience. Virje Universiteit Brussel equips students to thrive in the global marketplace and make their communities better; this will enhance my contributions to develop my country, Nigeria. Also, I chose Virje Universiteit Brussel because I feel a study at the university will give me the avenue to gain quality research and practical experience in a multicultural environment at a reasonable cost.

Why Belgium?

Over time, Belgium has become a destined choice for international students because of its high academic standard, respect for the freedom and dignity of people, the freedom of religion, gender equality and zero tolerance for racism. These factors coupled with the moderate cost of study when compared with the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States and other parts of Europe made me choose Belgium.

My Future Plan

After my masters, I will immediately do a PhD in Chemical and Material Engineering to further advance my capacity for research. On completion of my studies, I will return to my home country for a teaching job in any of the universities. In addition, I have plans to found a company that will specialize in engineering consultancy. My long-term dream is to be appointed Professor of Chemical and Material Engineering. In conclusion, I am won over that my experience, passion for Chemical and Material Science, and integrity set me apart from other candidates. I have no doubt I will complete my studies with distinction.

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My Academic Interests in Chemical and Material Science. (2021, Oct 18). Retrieved from