Manifest Destiny and the Indian Removal Act

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Manifest Destiny and the Indian Removal Act

This essay will discuss the ideology of Manifest Destiny and its direct relation to the Indian Removal Act. It will analyze the act’s consequences on Native American communities and its lasting effects on American history. On PapersOwl, there’s also a selection of free essay templates associated with Human Rights.

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Indian Relocation

The Indian Relocation was a removal of several Indian tribes known as the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Seminole, and Cherokee. The Indian Removal Act was passed by the Congress of the United States and signed by Andrew Jackson. Although meanwhile, the Indians were strongly against their decision to force them off their land, they made an attempt to prevent the act from affecting them. Unfortunately, the Congress was successful in forcing the Indians from their land to Oklahoma.

As the tribes moved on from their homelands, they faced multiple hardships as they traveled.

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There were illnesses, harsh weathers, lack of food, and separation of families. These conflicts caused thousands of deaths in the tribes. Specifically, Cherokee had to suffer walking through the cold winters which many to die. The trails they took became known as the “Trail of Tears.”

California Gold Rush

A man named John Sutter has found a piece of gold in a ditch on his property in 1848. This news spread very quickly around the world and attracted up to 80,000 people to find gold in California. At the time, when it was 1849, those who came to California for gold were called forty-niners because of the year. This event was called the “California Gold Rush,” it increased California’s population to around 90,000 people. The Sacramento Valley was the populated area for gold because of Sutter’s property.

To find gold, they used several different methods like using shovels, picks, and using pans. Finding gold in streams were the easiest because it only requires a pan. However, finding gold underground, in the dirt, or in large amounts could not be dug out by hand. It needed expensive machines dig gold.

Interview: Frederick Douglas

What were your thoughts and ideas when you escaped from being a slave?: Douglass believed slavery was not fair for anyone, especially those who are suffering. When you were a slave, what did you see happening around you?: Back when I was still a slave, times were difficult. Being parted from my family, seeing others suffer, and being abused made slavery very unfair for African Americans.

What else did you experience and do as a slave? How did you manage to escape?: I was never aware of my birth date because of slavery, unfortunately. Although, I do know I was born in the 1818’s. On September 3, 1838, I ran away from my slave owner by taking a boat and disguise as a sailor. It was quite risky of me.

What were some of the most important changes you have made so far?: After I escaped my slave owner, I became one of the most well-known abolitionist for slavery. I have taken the advantage of writing because now, I can write about abolition and be a better influencer.

What significant events are you supporting right now?: I have been supporting abolition because I was once a slave. I support being against slavery because I understands the hardships, labor, and how unfair their lives are. I also support the womens’ rights movement because I believe that women should’ve always had the same opportunities as men.”

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Manifest Destiny and The Indian Removal Act. (2021, Oct 15). Retrieved from