Little Prince Theme Analysis

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One idea Antoine de Saint-Exupéry attempts to communicate is the importance of exploration. The role of exploration is seen, for example, when the little prince meets a little flower with three petals in the middle of the Sahara.The flower with three petals says to the Little Prince, “Men?… I think there are six or seven of them in existence. I saw them, several years ago” (74). The Little Prince and the pilot are both explorers in some sense. The pilot flies over far away lands and goes to new places, but the Little Prince is exploring other worlds searching for the meaning of life.

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They have open minds and gain understanding about the world through their explorations, so as not to make incorrect assumptions like the flower did. The flower was limited because she was not able to explore and therefore, she gave incorrect information to the Little Prince, believing it to be true herself. Exploration is the key to an open mind, without it, people are forced to make misinformed assumptions.

Another idea Antoine de Saint Exupéry is trying to convey through his book, The Little Prince, is the importance of relationships. The role of relationships is shown when the Little Prince runs into the fox while visiting planet Earth. The Little Prince is dejected because he found a whole garden of roses just like his flower and he thought that his flower was the only one in the whole universe. The fox says to the Little Prince, “It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important” (87). The Little Prince is longing for a relationship and he doesn’t know what one looks like yet. Relationships don’t happen out of the blue, they have to be developed and nurtured. The Little Prince and the rose have a special relationship because the Prince has watered her, protected her from bugs, and took time to get to know her. By doing that, he cultivated a relationship over time with his rose, whereas the other roses in the garden aren’t special because nobody has taken the time to get to know them and create a special bond with them. Relationships are essential “matters of consequence” that need to be prioritized, no matter where one is.

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Little Prince Theme Analysis. (2019, Jul 21). Retrieved from