Integrity or Dishonesty Upon Voting?

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If I were in the position of having to vote for the current Speaker of the House, who is up for re-election and is known to be corrupt and under investigation by a grand jury on bribery charges, I would definitely not support him. Although the Speaker promises to appoint me as vice-chairman on a committee with major influence in my district, and to endorse a bill I have drafted for a significant construction project in my home county in return for my support, I would still have to decline.

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The slogan I ran on is “Integrity, Honesty & Morality: Let’s Bring Decency Back to Texas Politics.” Supporting this corrupt Speaker would make me feel like a major hypocrite. With his dishonest character, for all I know, he could go back on his word about supporting my bill and appointing me as vice-chairman. How can I trust him to keep his word given his deceitful reputation? The truth is, I wouldn’t. I don’t think I could risk my position, and all the hard work that went into achieving it, for something not only wrong, immoral but also uncertain.

Unfortunate as it may be, corruption seems to be a common trait among politicians these days. News reports are replete with stories of politicians involved in theft, bribery solicitation, and sex scandals. Throughout history, many corrupt and selfish individuals have dominated politics, often resulting in widespread injustice. Most politicians are primarily concerned about satisfying the majority group or their own group’s interests, often neglecting to represent other constituents, effectively denying them justice. I would not want to be one of those politicians. Instead, I want to be an individual who keeps their word. If a person proves unreliable and dishonest, the public won’t trust them. Once that trust has been broken, it’s difficult to restore their public image.

In my ongoing effort to combat the high unemployment rate in my district, I will continue pushing the bill for a major construction project in my home county, regardless of the Speaker’s carrot-stick tactics. Some might argue that without the Speaker’s support, my quest for change won’t go far. But if I don’t stand for what I believe in, then I’ll fall for anything. Rebuilding public faith in the government needs politicians who keep their promises and can be trusted to make the right choices.

Thus, my decision would be not to support this Speaker, even though his offer could benefit my work and future plans. I choose to stand by my principles and morals. I will press forward with my projects and my bill, striving to ensure their success by honest means. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” As one of the greatest Presidents in our country’s history, his words bear substantial weight.

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Integrity or Dishonesty Upon Voting?. (2022, Nov 22). Retrieved from