Informative Collaboration

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Updated: Jun 29, 2022
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Crowdsourcing in interface design is a practice that gains information on implementing new ideas on goods or services. It takes a job that is normally handled by an employee within a company, and it is outsourced by unsupervised people. This is done in this manner to establish collaboration with a large group of people or community through social media garner new ideas. Current employees’ input can be utilized if they are a source of good ideas. Those that accept outsourcing agreements are generally receive monetary reimbursement.

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According to Doan, Ramakrishnan, Halevy, (2011) the goal is to enlist a multitude of humans to help solve a wide variety of issues or challenges upon implementation of a new product or device. Crowdsourcing can encompass any number of businesses practices and a method investing in innovative ideas utilizing a community of innovators which allows for widespread constructive and informative collaboration. In my research, I found that currently LEGO utilizes crowdsourcing on their idea’s platform, where users can give input on their ideas for new LEGO sets (, 2018). LEGO structured voter feedback ability on new ideas. With the use of this platform it allows creative innovators the ability give fresh, creative ideas that can give any business a jump-start. This paper will research the of crowdsourcing to the field of interface design.

According to Pan & Blevis, (2011) the term Crowdsourcing was coined by Jeff Howe in 2006. However, in my research it appears that crowdsourcing has been around as far back as 1916. According to Planters Peanuts,(2020) crowdsourcing was utilized in the birth of Mr. Peanut. Planters afforded its first logo by crowdsourcing for the current Mr. Peanut mascot. Planter held a contest to obtain sketches of the best Mr. Peanut. A young schoolboy sketched body of Mr. Peanut, submitted it and won. A freelance artist later added the hat and other items. This shows that crowdsourcing has been around a for a long time and has been utilized. It was not given a formal name until 2006. The value of crowdsourcing has always been there, however the methods in which it was administered had not been. With the growth in modern technology, information is at your fingertips and allow access to a vast amount of information that has be relevant in the growth for outsourcing and how it is shared. According to Our World Data, (2019), the rise of social media gave way to the idea of Crowd Sourcing and gave credence to the idea that groups are more powerful (or effective) than individuals. Crowdsourcing has evolved over the years with interfaces design, allowing for editing, creating content and visualization. In 2005 some of the some of the major companies such as Google, eBay and Amazon began the utilization of crowdsourcing. In today’s environment the swift and immense acceptance of these interface design technologies is changing how companies find crowdsourcing partners. Businesses can now benefit from the sources available locally to complete such project as a collaboration of minds and not limit themselves to the sources in the company. Start Here

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Informative Collaboration. (2022, Jun 28). Retrieved from