How the Body Remains at Homeostasis

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The body goes through many challenges throughout life, but the body always manages to stay at a stable equilibrium which is known as homeostasis. Homeostasis is the body’s ability to adjust its internal environment in order to stay within a stable state in order for the body to function properly. Homeostasis processes may differ depending on what is going on in the body and how positive and negative feedback may affect it. In addition, some people may have deficiencies or diseases that refrains them from being able to perform proper homeostasis, as well as additional factors.

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The body remains at homeostasis with the help of each of the systems working together as a whole.

Homeostasis processes differ among different systems of the body, but they all connected in more ways than one. All of the systems tend to help each other in order to make sure as a whole that the body is balanced and one cannot get terribly ill or in the worst cases, die. Homeostasis is a way that the body can survive by making sure its “internal environment” is always working. In homeostasis, the brain plays a vital role by sending different signals to different parts of the body to keep the body safe and alive.

Feedback mechanisms play a vital role in maintaining homeostasis. Negative feedback loops are identified more rather than positive. Whenever the body goes through any change the body sends out an automatic response to keep the body from possibly working improperly. For example, if the body temperature drops too low: sensory receptors send a message to the brain, the brain decides how to fix the problem, sends signals to the sweat glands in the body in order for them to produce sweat; thus, the sweat helps regulate heat and body temperature throughout the body (Homeostasis).

The regulation of body temperature is one of the most vital processes within how the body remains at homeostasis. Body temperature in humans is controlled by the thermoregulatory center located within the hypothalamus in the brain. It then receives signals from two sets of receptors in the hypothalamus called thermoreceptors. The receptors are responsible for monitoring the internal temperature of the blood as it passes through the brain, while the receptors on the skin are responsible for monitoring the external temperature. The body uses both sets of information in order to make accurate adjustments to keep the body stable. The thermoregulatory center then sends impulses to different effectors to adjust body temperature (Homeostasis).

The body’s response to experiencing different temperature conditions is completely voluntary. When someone gets too hot, the first response may be to take clothes off or locate some shade. Whereas if too cold, a person may decide to put extra clothes on or turn on a heater. Although if these responses are not sufficient enough to keep the temperature regulated the thermoregulatory center will be prompted to act. At this moment, the autonomic nervous system will come into play. All of the responses will then be involuntary. If we get too hot the heat loss center within the hypothalamus will be notified and if we get too cold the heat conservation will be notified (Homeostasis). When the hypothalamus gets these signals the body will immediately act in order to keep the body at a stable equilibrium.

Each and every system links together miraculously in order to keep the body’s homeostatic state in a working condition. In thermoregulation, all of the organ systems can be signaled in order to regulate temperature. In response to colder temperatures, the hypothalamus may receive signals from the receptors that will then make many of the muscles to react. The muscles that may be affected by this are smooth, skeletal, and erector pili muscles and when cold they will contract in order to maintain core temperature. When cold, smooth muscles will contract causing vasoconstriction and less heat will be carried from the core to the surface which then maintains core temperature. When hot, smooth muscle will relax causing vasodilation and more heat will be carried from the core to the surface which then causes the heat to be lost through convection or radiation. Vasoconstriction can cause the skin to turn blue and frostbite can occur. Vasodilation causes the skin to turn red (Homeostasis).

Homeostasis in many people usually happens naturally but some diseases can alter it. Many people diagnosed with diabetes all have some type of autoimmune disease, meaning that the body is attacking itself. All autoimmune diseases can affect how the body stabilizes. “Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) Insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are killed, so there is no insulin available in the blood. Insulin is an important protein that helps cells to bring in sugar.” If there is no insulin being provided in the body then the body cannot function properly. (Diseases, Toxins & Pathogens That Disrupt Homeostasis) Any illnesses can affect homeostatic equilibrium because wherever there is any sort of imbalance, there will not be a stable state intact within the body.

There are also many additional factors that can affect how homeostasis works throughout the body. Toxins are a big factor that can play a major role in homeostasis. Nicotine and carbon monoxide found in tobacco can damage blood vessels which make the heart then work even harder because of the damaged blood vessels. Pathogens also can affect the body they can infect the body and make someone sick. When a person is sick it is seen as an imbalance within the body causing the body to not be able to stay within a stable state to function. How is homeostatic imbalance treated? It can be treated through medicine prescribed to doctors or in some cases it can be over the counter. Nutrition and physical activity can also be amazing factors if you do them the right way (Homeostasis Imbalance).

In conclusion, all of the body’s organ systems provide help in homeostasis; although, all systems may play vital roles in maintaining homeostasis throughout the body, those are the key components to keeping a healthy homeostatic equilibrium in order to survive. Many people may not be able to maintain a stable equilibrium throughout their body but that is never a big issue. Homeostatic imbalance can be treatable in many ways. Homeostasis also contains feedback mechanisms that do a lot in order to help us maintain a stable state within the body. Homeostasis is a very interesting topic and learning about it may interest a lot of people about the body and the magnificent ways that our body, along with the process of homeostasis helps people to survive.

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How the Body Remains at Homeostasis. (2019, Apr 05). Retrieved from