Homeostasis and Body Systems

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The body undergoes various changes due to occurrences from the external environment,

The Cardiovascular system consists of blood that plays a major role in preserving homeostasis by transporting substances to cells. The Respiratory system consists of organs that use breathing mechanism to transport the required gas via blood.


It is a process controlled by the organs to maintain an internal temperature for the cells using homeostatic regulations known as the detector, control center, and effectors. A person who can conserve a steady psychological state affected by external effects can be referred to as homeostasis.

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(Rodolfo, para 2), The basic principles of homeostasis temperature, pH levels, Blood pressure, Oxygen, and blood sugar levels. The cardiovascular system consists of arteries, veins, capillaries, lungs and heart. It maintains blood pressure by receiving information from the receptors. The changes activate the receptors. The Baroreceptors, located in the aorta sense pressure. (Dr. been, Oct 19, 2016) These have nerve endings in the skin, Changes in blood pressure can affect homeostasis. Respiratory System-There is two steps in breathing mechanism: Inspiration and Expiration, These are done the nose and nasal cavity. The Alveoli, Bronchi, Bronchioles in the Lungs help oxygen levels to be maintained, The air travels through the throat, trachea, and larynx(Novotny & Kravitz, para 2).

Blood’s relation to Homeostasis:

Blood is composed of plasma and cells, The functions of blood are the transportation of hormones, oxygen, carbon dioxide, antibodies, and proteins. It provides the requirements to cells for functioning at a normal temperature level, The plasma consists of substances such as Waste products, Nutrients, Inhibitors, Oxygen, Mineral Salts and proteins that control bleeding. Each of these substances has a role in homeostasis. Mineral Salts- Control the pH levels. Nutrients- Needed for cell’s growth and functioning, Waste products- can trigger the optimum temperature if not removed. Inhibitors- These reduce the activity of chemical reactions that can change the temperature.

Feedback mechanisms, Blood glucose levels, and Thermoregulation:

There is two mechanisms-negative feedback which is the highest occurring and the positive feedback. The negative feedback mechanism is a response to stop a process that is disturbing the internal environment, For example, When the temperature rises higher than the actual point, this response tackles with the nervous system to reduce the high temperature and if it goes even lower than the normal, it increases the heat up to balance an equilibrium. It “reverses the direction of change” (Palaparthi, Apr 12, 2017). Thermoregulation uses this mechanism because Internal temperature is maintained by allowing the body to act. It works by using sensors in the skin, These send information to Brain including the hypothalamus that processes the information and decides to send a response to the site of disturbance via the effectors: blood vessels. (Holland, September 22, 2016). Positive feedback is less occurring in the body because it speeds up the change. For example, Mammary glands cause the hormone prolactin to produce milk for the baby assisted by the pituitary gland. (Palaparthi, Apr 12, 2017). Blood glucose levels are balanced by hormones called Insulin and glucagon and act as a negative feedback loop by triggering processes for balance. (Morris & Hein, Nov 11,2016)

To summarize, Homeostasis uses body processes, organ systems, and cells to provide the human body to sustain life and fight external sources which invade internally. Temperature plays a valid role in the body since high and low temperatures can lead to problems. There is a balance in everything that revolves around life. In contrast, Cardiovascular and respiratory systems assist homeostasis to be maintained by using their mechanisms with the help of blood.

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Homeostasis and Body Systems. (2019, Jun 10). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/homeostasis-and-body-systems/