High Diabetes Obesity Rate

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Diabetes is a disease charictorized by increased inulin resistance an decreased insulin secretion in response to glucose stimulants. It is an epidemic raising in prevalance around the world, with many contributing factiors, including but not limited to, BMI (body mass index) lifestyle, family history and ethnicity. Until 50 years ago Diabetes was most common in developed countries, however, since then, there has been an increase in the disease world-wide. Between 1990 and 2007 Diabetes has increased by approximately 150 million cases and is expected to raise by 150 million more by the year 2030.

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Obesity or Adiposity is a major contributor to the rise of cases in both children and adults who suffer with Diabetes, with studies showing that about 26 percent of adults and 20 percent of children who have it, have a higher than average BMI. People can have a higher than average BMI and still have normal insulin secretion. With time, however, their bodies can change with less physical activity, thus gaining more weight and can develop and immunity – per say, to the insulin their body is producing. For example: If a person gains weight while also decreasing their amount of physical activity, they may develope hypoglycema, a precursor for Diabetes. While BMI does dirrectly relate to Diabetes, weight distribution is also a factor. People who tend to gain more weight in the abdominal region are more prone to diabetes and other risk factors. There are ways to avoid obesity, which lessons the risk of diabetes such as; controlling portion size, not consuming as many carbs or sugary beverages, and eating smaller meals, more frequently throughout the day.

Is Diabetes genetic and why is obesity in connection to Diabetes so hard to study? One of the problems is trying to define and measure BMI or body mass index determend by height, weight, bone mass, fat mass, lean tissue and fluid mass. Some of which are not dirrectly related to genetics and may be effected by outside influences. I gathered that there is also too many variables. Thus making BMI an unsatisfactory way to tell if genetics attribute to obesity. Another way to tell if genetics plays a role would be by determining a persons resting metobolic rate, however, this also poses problem as someone with a low metobolic rate may not necisarily be overweight and it would not effect weather or not they are susseptible for weight gain or Diabetes. Becasue it is hard to define weather or not obesity is genetic, it is also hard to determine a genetic link to Diabetes as far as it is related to obesity. With that being said, there are studies of abnormal protiens and their potential to casue obesity, which are, in fact genetic.

How can your lifestyley be important in the prevention of obesity in relation to Diabetes? Body weight is dirrectly related to your enery intake. Energy intake is based on three components – physical activity, resting energy and thermogenis. Thermogenis is how the body digests and prosses food. These are all connected and vary day to day.Having a good balance of the three can result in not becoming obese and thus there is a lower risk of a person contracting Diabetes. Basically, if you eat a healthy diet and excersize it will decrease the risk of obesity, which lessons the risk of Diabetes.

In conclusion, Diabetes is a disease charictorized by decreased insulin production and increased insulin resistance, raising in prevalance world-wide that is dirrectly related to overall health. With cases raising in both adults and in children. It is hard to tell if the disease – as it relates to obesity – is transferred genetically because there are too many variables to take into consideration that cannot dirrectly be attributed to genetics. It has a lot to do with what you consume, such as sugery drinks, carbs and protiens. Your lifestyle, I.e. rest, and excersizing.        

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High Diabetes Obesity Rate. (2021, Jun 11). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/high-diabetes-obesity-rate/