The Unseen Challenges of Female Veterans

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When one hears the term "veteran," the image often conjured up is that of older men, Vietnam-era soldiers proudly displaying their service through caps and truck stickers. However, this stereotype is increasingly outdated. The landscape of military service and its subsequent veterans has evolved significantly, with a growing number of younger veterans, many of whom are women. Traditionally, women have not been seen as fighters, and their contributions to military service have often been understated compared to their male counterparts. Female veterans face numerous challenges when transitioning to civilian life, sometimes encountering more obstacles than their male peers.

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Military Experience

Historically, women have participated in military efforts in various capacities. During the Revolutionary War, women supported troops by cooking, nursing, and laundering. The Civil War saw women as hospital administrators and cooks, roles crucial to both Union and Confederate efforts. By the time of the Spanish-American War in 1898, women were staffing Army hospitals and even serving as spies. The turning point came in 1917 during World War I when women could officially enlist, leading to 33,000 women joining as nurses and support staff. World War II further expanded opportunities, with over 400,000 women serving in diverse roles such as ambulance drivers, mechanics, and pilots. Over time, doors continued to open, allowing women to serve in combat roles. By January 2016, women were allowed to join front-line combat units across all military branches, marking a historic shift in military gender dynamics.


As the roles available to women in the military have diversified, so too have the demographics of female veterans. Typically, female veterans tend to be younger, more highly educated, and from more diverse racial backgrounds than their male counterparts. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs' VetPop2016 tool, as of September 2017, there were nearly 1.9 million female veterans in the U.S. This diversity is reflected in the racial and ethnic makeup, with significant numbers of white, Black or African American, Asian, and Hispanic or Latino veterans. The increasing representation of women in both enlisted and officer ranks suggests that the proportion of female veterans will continue to rise over the next few decades.

Healthcare Needs

The growing population of female veterans brings unique healthcare challenges. Veterans often require specialized care distinct from civilian healthcare needs due to service-related issues such as traumatic brain injury, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and military sexual trauma. Research indicates that female veterans are more likely to experience sexual assault and have a higher prevalence of PTSD than civilian women. Mental health support is crucial for female veterans, as the stress endured during service can lead to lasting mental health issues impacting their personal and professional lives. Comprehensive healthcare must address both the mental and physical health needs of female veterans to ensure their successful reintegration into civilian life.

Policies and Laws

Several policies and laws have been enacted to support female veterans. The Veterans Health Improvement Act of 2004 provides funding for homeless veterans, sexual trauma counseling, and research on complex injuries. The Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Services Act of 2010 further addresses barriers to healthcare for women veterans, offering pilot programs for counseling and childcare. These legislative efforts aim to improve access to necessary services and support for female veterans, recognizing their unique challenges and contributions.


Despite available benefits, female veterans often face barriers to accessing care. One significant issue is the distance from VA facilities, which can discourage use. Additionally, some veterans perceive non-VA healthcare as superior or have had negative experiences with VA services. These barriers can lead to female veterans missing out on crucial care, highlighting the need for improved accessibility and quality of VA services.

Promoting Change

To address these challenges, it is essential to educate female veterans about the services available to them through the Department of Veterans Affairs. Healthcare providers, particularly nurses, play a critical role in informing veterans of their rights and available care options. Ensuring that female veterans are aware of and utilize these resources is vital for improving their health outcomes and quality of life.


Providing the best care for female veterans requires a collaborative approach among healthcare professionals. Physicians, mental health providers, social workers, and nurses must work together to address both the physical and mental health needs of female veterans. This includes diagnosing and managing mental health issues, ensuring access to support groups, and actively listening to veterans to advocate for their best interests. Each team member must understand and respect the unique challenges faced by female veterans, ensuring they receive the comprehensive care they deserve.

While female veterans share the same strength and resilience as their male counterparts, they often face distinct battles. It is crucial not to overlook their unique experiences and needs. By acknowledging and addressing these challenges, healthcare providers can honor the service of female veterans and help them achieve the respect and care they deserve.

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The Unseen Challenges of Female Veterans. (2019, Oct 02). Retrieved from