Fast Food and a Healthy Active Lifestyle

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Updated: Jun 06, 2023
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Category:Fast Food
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Obesity has become a problem in the United States and all over the world, it’s a problem that can lead to different types of disease. How is obesity affecting the body? How the fast foods play a role in obesity? How is it important to physical activities for our body?

Obesity affects all Americans, especially children, and the youngest age obesity has become epidemic since 1980 the obesity increased among Americans killing thousand. Most people eat so much carbohydrate fat high and less physical activities, staying a long time watching TV or playing games, people get stress from work or school all this play role for obesity many children when they eat in MacDonald they like a test and the parent in courage their children to eat outside more than cook.

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Fast food started to be a problem, mush people love fast food without knowing the dangers for their body, every day we hear about people hospitalized a cause the fast food. Now we see fatty food next to schools and next to the mall we you go shopping. And lots of doctors advise avoiding fast food because it leads to different diseases caused by high carbohydrate and sugar fat and fewer vitamins for the body.

Most people preferred MacDonald and KFS and most foods have French fries. Meat And side dishes, pizza, and soda a lot of fast food lead to obesity a cause of high sugar and fat especial between a teenager and children. It’s becoming a problem in the country because of expensive medical surgery.

Physical activities are the most important to the human body and brain and each of the following six the dimension of life help us to improve our health by physical activities reflect physical health exercise, it’s good for health, also social health play a role an activity the interaction with others at school, work and it’s good to improve social skills. Intellectual health is an activity to health to learn new things in life new language re Obesity has become a problem in the United States and all of the worlds it’s a problem which can lead to different types of diseases. How is obesity affecting the body? How the fast-food play a role in obesity? How is it important for physical activities for our body?

Obesity affects all Americans, especially children, and the youngest age obesity has become an epidemic since 1980 the obesity has increased among Americans killing thousand. Most peopleadsle eat so much carbohydrate fat high and less physical activities, staying a long time watching TV or playing games, people get stress from work or school all this play role for obesity many children when they eat in MacDonald they like a test and the parent in courage their children to eat outside more than cook.

Fast food started to be a problem, many people love fast food without knowing the dangers for their bodies, every day we hear about people hospitalized a cause the fast food. Now we see fatty food next to schools and next to the mall we you go shopping. And a lot of doctors advises avoiding fast food because it lead to different disease a caused to high carbohydrate and sugar fat and fewer vitamins for the body.

Most people preferred MacDonald and KFS and most food has French fries .meat. And side dishes, pizza, and soda a lot of fast food leads to obesity a cause of high sugar and fat especial between a teenager and children. It’s become a problem in the country because of expensive medical surgery.

Physical activities are the most important to the human body and brain and each of the following six the dimension of life help us to improve our health by physical activities reflect physical health exercise, it’s good for health, also social health play a role an activity the interaction with others at school, work and it’s good to improve social skills. Intellectual health is an activity to health to learn new things in life new language reading. And environment health respects and keeps the environment clean and it will be better and safe for our health. Also emotional healthiest most important like others express your felling to be happy to avoid stress. Moreover to spiritual health belief and value to now good things in our life.

Physical activities it’s playing a role in our life to be in good shape, and have a good mood. the importance of fitness its makes your sugar low in the body, the new studies show the people that who play sport regular get low glucose In their blood, protect from obesity and it helps to lose weight and helps a person get away from stress and give you more energy and happiness.

I wasn’t interesting to play sport since my doctor gives me a warning about my health. When I was young. I was weight 65 and when I come to the USA I eat too much fast food and after two pregnancies I gain too much weight and I feel tired all day I can do the basic activity it’s hard for my kidney I feel the heavyweight. I DECID TO DO PROGRAM I need to get more exercise each week to be in good health and shape. Specific: I will walk 25 minutes a week. Measurable: I will increase 25 minutes every day for one week. Achievable I can increase to form 3 weeks relevant: I think playing sport will make difference to my health. the time I will go to the gym every Saturday for 6 weeks, my solution is to spend less time watching Television and calling my friend on the phone to reach my goal. The final goal I want is to get more exercise and start playing cardio aerobics 3 days a week to have my goal quicker. And also eating healthy food helps the body lose Wight quickly.

The good nutrient plays a role four our health it’s important to stay alive by breathing water and preventing our body from disease. The nutrient is the balance for diet and wellbeing

And there are 6 main health nutrients carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, mineral, water all these are important to functioning the body, and with regular exercise and there are five food fat oil dairy products and grain and meat veggies, and fruit. And the most Americans left the healthy food its not like in the past years, they eat veggie and fruit. Now a lot of people choose fast food because it’s easy for them to live especially for women who worked.

It is important to change the way we think, of taking care of our health and by staying away from fast food, and change it to eat veggie and fruit, and get enough sleep each night to avoid stress, do more exercise, if a person gets more disease or obeying its good impact negative for the society. a lot of expensive made each year for obeying people and disease, and the like province says a healthy body is a healthy mind.

Environment health is respected and keeping the environment clean will be better and safe for our health. Also emotional healthiest most important like others express your felling to be happy avoid stress. Moreover to spiritual health belief and value to now good things in our life.

Physical activities it’s playing a role in our lives to be in good shape, and have a good mood. the importance of fitness its makes your sugar low in the body, the new studies show that people who play sport regular get low glucose In their blood, protect from obesity and it helps to lose weight and help a person get away from stress and give you more energy and happiness.

I wasn’t interesting to play sport since my doctor give me a warning about my health. When I was young. I was weight 65 and when I come to the USA I eat too much fast food and after two pregnancies I gain too much weight and I feel tired all day I can do the basic activity it’s hard for my kidney I feel the heavyweight. I DECID TO DO PROGRAM I need to get more exercise each week to be in good health and shape. Specific: I will walk 25 minutes a week. Measurable: I will increase 25 minutes every day for one week. Achievable I can increase to for 3 weeks relevant: I think to play sport it will make different on my health. the staying me I will go to the gym every Saturday for 6 weeks, my solution is to spend less time watching Television and calling my friend on the phone to reach my goal. The final goal I want is to get more exercise and start playing cardio aerobics 3 days a week to have my goal quicker. And also eating healthy food help the body lose Wight quickly.

The good nutrient plays a role four our health it’s important to stay alive by breathing water and preventing our body from disease. The nutrient is the balance for diet and well-being and there are 6 main health nutrients carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, mineral, and water all these are important for the function of the body, and regular exercise and there are five food fats oil dairy products, grain, and meat veggies, and fruit. And most Americans lift the healthy food like in the past years veggie and fruit now a lot of people shoes fast food because it’s easy for them life especial for women who worked.

It is important to change the way we think of taking care of our health by staying away from fast food, and change it to eat veggies and fruit, and get enough sleep each night to avoid stress, doing more exercise, if a person gets more disease, or obeying its good impact negative for the society. a lot of expensive made each year for obeying people and disease, and the like province says a healthy body is a healthy mind.

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Fast Food and a Healthy Active Lifestyle. (2022, May 04). Retrieved from