Facilities Management

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In any big gathering, crowd control is essential. Sports facilities are protected through crowd control since, where there are many people gathered together there is a high chance for a danger to take place. Secondly, the crowd needs to be managed because when people are in a crowd they always take for granted that other people have the responsibility (Ammon & Unruh 2010). Thirdly, big gathering makes people assimilate changes at a lower phase since they make the process complicated (Fried 2015). In addition, the process of communication in a big crowd is slower and is characterized by complexity (Fried 2015).

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Lastly, crowd control is important in sports since such crowds of people increase the potential number of victims. Aspects of Crowd control can be ranges from every component of the event or game through the stadium design up to the event itself and patrons protection from uncertain risks posed by other individuals that may harm them (Ammon & Unruh 2010). Several factors are used to gauge the criteria used for determining if crowd control procedures are proper and sufficient. Such factors depend on the risk of aggression, a number of people expected to be in the gathering, type of the game, availability of a sufficient emergency plan, knowledge of the rivalries among clubs and teams, and security workforce use and ushers (Fried 2015).

For a crowd control plan to be competent, appropriate signature, well-defined procedures, and policies for every possible occurrence as well as services for different disabled people must be considered (Ammon & Unruh 2010). This paper investigates on crowd control at an NFL sports facilities through analyzing some aspects such as alcohol management and risk management. One of the critical areas that attract more concern in sports domain is the crowd control since the beginning of Olympic Games, up to today with the NFL, NBA, and football and Soccer games (Ammon & Unruh 2010).

Facility management is obligated to cover their patrons. These managers should also come up with a plan to control the crowd so as to protect the participants and the team image as well as the facility. Assisting and managing the crowd historically has been effective more than controlling them. The topic of crowd control has been prioritized to be investigated on as a result of the fight that arose among the aggressive fans from Auburn Hills, Indiana Pacers, and Michigan during the 2005 season of NFL games (Ammon & Unruh 2010). According to a study conducted by Ammon and Unruh in 2010, each year there are issues of fires, bombs, crowd crushes, heat exhaustion, overcrowding, rioting as well as stage collapsing, reported throughout the major stadiums and arenas which cause to deaths of many people (Ammon & Unruh 2010).

With a crowd exceeding 100,000 people, facility managers face many challenges. Same research tries to pinpoint how individual behave socially and psychologically while in a gathering or a large crowd (Ammon & Unruh 2010). Crowd behaviour can even influence a civilized person making the person behave aggressively. Several theories have been formulated which try to propose that individual aggressiveness originates from within the inner person of an individual hence the behaviour becomes inevitable during certain times. As a result proper crowd control is required for a big gathering and this can be implemented through use of the following measures use of sufficient signage, highly skilled staff, efficient and effective system of communication as well as controlling alcohol in sport arenas so as to minimize the number of injuries and deaths in the arenas (Ammon & Unruh 2010).

What the NFL does The NFL is kind of football game league. The main aim of NFL is to attend to any issue associated with a game so as to make the game professional. In order to come up with a professional football game, what the NFL does is to formulate the rules that govern the game. Every game has its own rules. The rules are the one which guides on how a game is to be played. Rules also create a fair environment for the two teams to compete since the rules must be equal to both teams.

The second role of the NFL is to train its officials. There are officials of a game who guides the players and also controls the entire game from preparation, kickoff up to the results. The officials are responsible for implementing the rules of the game and also punishes any offending player. The officials are trained by the NFL league.

Third role of NFL league is to implement and develop new technologies. As the technology is changing, the football game has also adopted new technologies so as to make the game entertaining. The league acts at the best interest of the game and with a lot of consensus as to meet its objectives of creating a fair game. The league officials are comprised of the Executive Committee which comprises of one representative from every club of all 32 clubs which participates in the NPL league. The rules of the league states that any change may be in game rules or league policy, ownership of the club or any other reported change from the member clubs must be approved by not less than four members of the committee.

However, consensus is needed since if there is no agreement among the four members nothing is passedAlcohol management Some of the problems related to alcohol like assaults and driving while drunk at near sporting events is often reported during sports in world stadiums. As result of such problems, several policies have been used to control alcohol in sports stadiums. In order to control alcohol at the professional stadium, most facility managers allow a maximum of two alcoholic beverages to be sold at the stadium. The policy also requires the alcohol servers to investigate on the age of the patron before selling the alcoholic drink (Lenk et al 2010). The policies help in preventing overdrinking which may lead to lack of conscience, violence or assaults during games. Since young people are identified as the most affected characters in alcoholism, age securitization would prevent alcohol abuse by the youth (Lenk et al 2010).

As a result, the problems related to alcohol are reduced and sports facilities are protected from damage and misuse. NFL has also placed strict laws on anybody who is caught abusing alcohol within the sports arena. Such a person is punished severe so as to prevent such behaviour which may lead to wastage of facilities. Risk management For risk management, the facility manager is subjected to the following responsibilities first, they are responsible for providing an environment which is safe for participants (Fuller $ Drawer 2004). Therefore, the managers are obligated to come up with policies that promote the safety of facilities supervised by skilled personnel. Lastly, it’s a duty of the managers to offer a proper care to the assets and resources of the sports organization.

Therefore, according to Fuller and Drawer, risk management in sports entails protecting the participants and the spectators from physical injury, wrongful actions as well as protecting property damage or loss (Fuller $ Drawer 2004). Conclusion Crowd control is important since where there are many people gathered together there is a high chance for a danger to take place. Secondly, the crowd needs to be managed because when people are within a crowd they always take for granted that other people have the responsibility. Thirdly, big gathering makes people assimilate changes at a lower phase since they make the process complicated. In addition, the process of communication in a big crowd is slower and is characterized by complexity.

Lastly, crowd control is important in sports since such crowds of people increase the potential number of victims. Aspects of Crowd control can be ranges from every component of the event or game through the stadium design up to the event itself and patron’s protection from uncertain risks posed by other individuals that may harm them. the following measures can be taken for effective crowd control use of sufficient signage, highly skilled staff, an efficient and effective system of communication as well as controlling alcohol in sports arenas so as to minimize the number of injuries and deaths in the arenas. Facility management also requires management of alcohol in a sports stadium so as to reduce risks associated with alcohol. References

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Facilities Management. (2019, Nov 29). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/facilities-management/