Essay about Benjamin Franklin and Booker T. Washington

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Benjamin Franklin and Booker T. Washington come from very different backgrounds; both were dedicated students committed to helping others to improve backgrounds; however, both were dedicated. Benjamin Franklin grew up in a household of many children. While others in his family decided to take a more traditional route by working for their parents, he decided that he wanted to explore, expand his knowledge and use his knowledge to help others as well. Booker T. Washington, a former slave, also chose a different path.

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Other slaves took a more political path for their career; however to Benjamin, Booker also decided to expand his knowledge and strived for a good education, even though it was difficult because of his skin color. Another important detail about Booker was that he wanted others to know that they can achieve amazing things as long as they try their hardest. Benjamin Franklin and Booker T. Washington were very hard working and intelligent men. By following their examples of hard work and the importance of education, the whole world can learn and make a difference.

Benjamin Franklin demonstrated the importance of knowledge by dedicating his life to traveling to grow his education. Even though we do not have to go to that extent, we should put effort in our education as well. Franklin said “… as I was in my travels, I had formed most of my ingenious acquaintance into a club of mutual improvement. Which we called JUNTO,” (Franklin 45). This quote proves a point that Benjamin wanted to expand his knowledge, and he did so by traveling and creating a group of mutual improvement called “Junto.” That way, he and everyone in that group could improve their knowledge and skills. Franklin began later on in his biography to realize that even though his knowledge was very important, he began to want more principles in his life to make him an even more of a better man. Using his knowledge and past experience, he created a list of thirteen virtues. “These names of virtues, with their precepts, were Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Chastity, Humility,” (Franklin 64-65). When Franklin was done with his list, he did as he said and lived up to this list the very best he could.

Benjamin Franklin also demonstrated hard work. He did so by being able to expand his own mental development while also supporting his family based on the virtues Industry and Frugality. “We have an English proverb that says, “He that would thrive, must ask his wife.” It was lucky for me that I had one as much disposed to Industry and Frugality as myself,” (Franklin 62). This quote demonstrates that even though knowledge is very important, hard work is equally important. Although Franklin loved learning, he kept a good balance of work and taking care of and being there for his family. Following after Franklin’s example, readers could do amazing things with their lives. For example, they could expand their knowledge, help people expand their knowledge, take care or help the reader’s family, etc. Overall, it would not hurt to try to follow after Franklin’s example.

Booker T. Washington showed the importance of expanding your knowledge and education just as Franklin did. Although Washington struggled with receiving an education because of his color and his past of being a slave, that did not stop him from achieving his goal. This in some ways makes Washington an anti-hero in literature. “During my last year at Hampton every minute of my time that was not occupied with my duties was devoted to study. I was determined, if possible, to make such a record in my class that I would be placed in honor roll,” (Washington 35). This quote proves a point that even though it was a struggle to get an education, Booker T. never quit and was always determined to succeed in receiving an education. Doing so, he became a better man by teaching others.

Although Booker T. wanted to expand his education even more than he already had, he also cared for others and wanted others who could not afford an education could be able to receive one. He takes his belief of wanting to make a bigger difference in his community and he builds a school for underprivileged kids. Not only is Washington selfless, he is an extremely determined human being because he wants to prove that no matter what your color is, you can do anything you put your mind to. “The individual who can do something that the world wants done will in the end, make his way regardless of race,” (Washington 75). This quote comes from Washington as he was putting in hard work building a school of education for others. He proves that working with your hands is just as important as working with your brain.

Benjamin Franklin and Booker T. Washington were very hard working and intelligent men. By using their example of hard work and the importance of education, the whole world can learn and make a difference. Benjamin Franklin demonstrated the importance of knowledge by dedicating his life to traveling to expand his knowledge. Franklin also demonstrated hard work by managing to be able to grow his own mental development while also supporting his family based on Industry and Frugality. Booker T. Washington also showed the importance of expanding your knowledge and education just as Franklin did. He did so by striving to do his best to get honor roll in his school. Booker T. also cared for others and wanted others who could not afford an education could be able to receive one. So, he helped by building a school for underprivileged kids, while also proving that no matter what your color is you can do anything you put your mind to. why is education and hard work important? It is important because not only can hard work and education be beneficial for yourself, it is also good for others that you’re surrounded with because you can motivate them to also strive for hard work and an education as you do.

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Essay About Benjamin Franklin and Booker T. Washington. (2019, Jul 18). Retrieved from