The Economic Causes of the French Revolution

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Economic pressures ignited France's revolutionary powder keg. During the eighteenth century, France's financial crisis laid the groundwork for revolutionary fervor. This essay explores the economic causes of the French Revolution, highlighting the fiscal mismanagement of the French monarchy, the inequitable tax system, and the resulting hardships on the general populace.

Fiscal Mismanagement and National Bankruptcy

During the eighteenth century, the French government spent more money than it collected in taxes, leading to a severe financial crisis. By 1788, France was effectively bankrupt.

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Arthur Young, an Englishman and observer who traveled to France from 1787 to 1789, vividly described the dire living conditions of the peasants in his book "Travels in France" (Campbell, 18). The government's expenditure often exceeded its income, largely due to prolonged military engagements. France had been embroiled in wars for nearly fifty years out of the past century. The support provided to the Americans during the American War of Independence further strained the nation's finances, leaving France in financial ruins. Additionally, substantial sums were spent on royal palaces, entertainment, and gifts by the French kings (Desan, 470).

The Inequitable Tax System

The French tax system was notoriously unfair, further aggravating the economic issues that contributed to the French Revolution. The government imposed high taxes to cover its excessive spending, yet the burden fell disproportionately on certain segments of the population. The nobility and clergy, who owned significant portions of land, were largely exempt from paying taxes. The Church, for instance, owned one-tenth of the land in France and did not pay any government taxes. In stark contrast, the peasantry bore the brunt of heavy taxation (Desan, 471). This inequity in the tax system created resentment and economic hardship among the working class. Louis XVI attempted to reform the tax system, but the nobility and clergy resisted these changes, leaving the king unable to implement necessary financial reforms.

Bread Shortages and Rising Food Costs

The economic issues extended beyond taxation. The scarcity of bread and the rising cost of food contributed to the widespread suffering of the French people. The price of essential commodities often exceeded the populace's ability to pay, leading to immense distress. Most of the national revenue was directed towards military campaigns, leaving little for addressing the basic needs of the people.

Failed Reforms and Economic Hardship

Efforts to reform the economic system were met with resistance. The gabelle, a salt tax, and other levies imposed by the French monarchy exacerbated the financial strain on the common people. When Jacques Turgot, a financial minister, attempted to introduce the corvée, a tax on land property, he faced opposition from the nobility, ultimately leading to his dismissal by Louis XVI (Desan, 472). Such failed efforts to implement economic reforms underscored the entrenched interests that hindered meaningful change.


In conclusion, the economic causes of the French Revolution were multifaceted, stemming from fiscal mismanagement, an inequitable tax system, and the subsequent hardships faced by the general populace. The financial crisis, characterized by excessive government spending and unfair taxation, created an environment ripe for revolution. Despite attempts at reform, the resistance from privileged classes prevented necessary changes, ultimately contributing to the revolutionary upheaval. Understanding these economic issues provides crucial insight into the complex factors that fueled the French Revolution.

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The Economic Causes of the French Revolution. (2019, Nov 24). Retrieved from