Civil Rights Movement Evolution

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Civil Rights Movement Evolution

A critical examination of the legacy of the civil rights movement in shaping present-day interactions between minorities and law enforcement or other authorities. The essay would discuss both improvements and areas still needing reform. At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to Black Lives Matter topic.

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The civil rights movement was one of the most influential social movements in American history, striving to secure equal access and opportunities for African Americans regarding the basic privileges and rights of U.


S. citizenship. Although the roots of this movement date back to the 19th century, its pivotal moments occurred in the 1950s and 1960s. African American men and women, alongside white Americans and other minority citizens, organized and led the movement on national and local levels. The movement was primarily focused in the Southern United States, where the African American population was concentrated, and where racial inequality in education, economic opportunity, and political and legal processes were most pronounced.

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The movement addressed discrimination in education, social segregation, and voting rights through legal challenges, negotiations, petitions, and nonviolent protests. Despite state and local governments enforcing segregation laws known as Jim Crow laws and imposing voting restrictions, the movement persisted. As the largest social movement of the 20th century, it not only influenced subsequent movements, such as the modern women’s rights movement and the student movement of the 1960s, but also set a precedent for future activism. This essay seeks to explore the impact of the civil rights movement on contemporary social movements, with a particular focus on the Black Lives Matter movement.


The struggle for African American equality has been a persistent theme throughout U.S. history. From the emergence of the civil rights movement to the rise of Black Lives Matter, these social movements have continuously challenged systemic racism and discrimination. Numerous instances of violence against unarmed African American citizens have been documented, often stemming from confrontations with law enforcement. For decades, African Americans have fought to change the perception of colored minorities as criminals, advocating for equality in various aspects of citizenship. Despite progress, recent events highlight the ongoing mistreatment and marginalization of African Americans in the United States.

Statement of the Problem

African Americans have historically faced significant challenges in their quest for equality. Despite efforts by movements like the civil rights movement and Black Lives Matter, racial disparities persist. The problem remains: how can we address the systemic issues that lead to the mistreatment of minorities by authorities? The perception of African Americans as criminals and the resulting prejudice contribute to social injustices, including police brutality and economic disenfranchisement.

Purpose of Study

To effectively address the mistreatment of African Americans, it is crucial to move beyond the historical context of racism and slavery and engage governing authorities in recognizing the significance of Black lives. This study aims to analyze the impact of the civil rights movement on the treatment of minorities by authorities and explore potential solutions for achieving equality. By examining historical and contemporary social movements, the study seeks to provide insights into the ongoing struggle for African American liberation.

Research Question

How has the civil rights movement influenced the treatment of minorities by authorities, and what lessons can be drawn for current and future social movements?


While African Americans have made significant strides toward freedom, systemic racism and prejudice continue to hinder their progress. Demonstrations and social activism, from the mid-1950s to the present day, have highlighted issues of discrimination, social segregation, and voting rights. This study hypothesizes that the civil rights movement laid the groundwork for future activism, influencing contemporary movements like Black Lives Matter in their fight against police brutality and systemic oppression.

Significance of the Study

The continuous struggle for human equality among African Americans underscores the importance of understanding the impact of social movements. The Black Lives Matter movement, often seen as the new civil rights movement, addresses similar issues as its predecessor. Both movements have faced racism and systemic oppression, emphasizing the need for ongoing activism to achieve equality. By examining these movements, the study seeks to contribute to the discourse on civil rights and provide insights for future advocacy.

Uniqueness of the Study

This study undertakes a comparative analysis of the Black Lives Matter movement and the civil rights movement (1954-1965). Originating from the BlackLivesMatter hashtag in 2013, the movement has evolved into a significant force for change. By exploring the emotional and methodological aspects of these movements, this study highlights the relevance of minority communities and the responsibility of political leaders in addressing systemic issues.

Definition of Terms

Language and terminology play a crucial role in shaping perceptions and narratives. By examining stereotypes and narratives presented by traditional media, the study aims to empower community members to share their experiences through social media and other platforms.

Delimitations of the Study

Data collection for this study will focus on tweets from social media platforms using the BlackLivesMatter hashtag and other civil rights-related hashtags. The dataset will cover posts from April 2012 to March 2019, collected from platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Limitations of the Study

The data extracted from social media may contain racial and evolving themes related to police brutality and minority experiences. Hashtags associated with social movements can attract critics and opponents, influencing the information shared and circulated.

Measurement of Variables

The study will categorize tweets into the following categories: conveying opinions, social circulation, resource retention, and conveying calls for accountability, and agenda-setting. This categorization will help analyze the impact and reach of social media activism.


The study will analyze social media posts addressing police brutality and equality issues. By examining hashtags like BlackLivesMatter, the study aims to explore the narratives and themes that resonate with the public and contribute to the discourse on civil rights.

Research Methods

Both the civil rights movement and Black Lives Matter have faced racism and systemic oppression. This study will focus on the police brutality of minorities, using data extracted from social media to analyze the similarities and differences between these movements.

Plan of Analysis

The analysis will focus on the use of hashtags and symbols like "" and "@" as indicators of civil rights and social issues. By leveraging these platforms, the study will compile and compare quantitative and qualitative data to understand the impact of social media on social justice movements. The findings will be disseminated through a research project in a senior seminar, providing a foundation for further exploration of civil rights issues.


In conclusion, the civil rights movement and contemporary movements like Black Lives Matter are pivotal in the ongoing struggle for equality and justice for African Americans. While significant progress has been made, systemic issues persist, necessitating continued activism and advocacy. By examining the historical and contemporary contexts of these movements, this study aims to contribute to the discourse on civil rights and inspire future efforts toward achieving equality for all. The lessons learned from these movements provide valuable insights into strategies for combating systemic racism and promoting social justice in the United States and beyond.

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Civil Rights Movement Evolution. (2020, Feb 12). Retrieved from