Different Races and Ethnicity

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Updated: Jun 29, 2022
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Family is the most important part of socialization, because the first things to learn come from the parents. They must raise their children to know what is right from wrong and how to carry themselves. Families (parents) get together and reproduce. They have multiple kids so that they will have each other to learn, play, and socialize with. Socialization with family is the root of a person character basically. Love is the main part of a family if there is no love a family can fall straight to nothing.

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Every family is different, they teach you certain things to believe in while growing up and it will stick with them throughout their entire life. Socialization is the best way to communicate with your family, most will skip over the fact that it will help, because most family don’t care but it is the perfect way to get through to them. Teaching your kids how to speak when spoken to by an adult is a proper way of socialization with a non-family member. Most families want their kids to dress certain ways, be friends with certain people, talk a certain way, basically be a robot. The main reason for the changes in American families are the divorces, the roles of women and men, and different outlooks about marriage.

What women and men look for in a marriage is based on their social class. Working-class women thoughts on a great husband was a man who held a good job, didn’t party too much, and wasn’t violent. Middle-class women never thought that way, they just assumed that a husband would provide a safe and secure home. Sociologist Jessie Bernard came up with the fact that marriage is two different relationships; the woman’s marriage and the man’s marriage. In our society marriage is seen as more meaningful to women than men. Bernard points out that married women have poorer mental health, less happiness, and more passive attitudes toward life than single women. Married men generally live longer, are mentally better off, and happier than single men. This is partly due to the age of the marriage, marriage could be more healthful for women if men did not dominate their wives but, instead, both are equal. Family differs between those of different races and ethnicity. Each race and ethnicity have different aspects to family life and different expectations, gender roles, as well as income. There are also interracial marriages that add even more to the diversity. The proportion of racially mixed marriages is only 4.4% but most people claim that race and ethnicity should not matter in choosing a spouse. Families are becoming diverse more often, because a lot of different things that are in our society are changing every day and female equality and independence is more dominate now. There is a greater acceptance of racially mixed marriages, and more different social class marriages.

I believe that diverse marriages are positive. There is nothing wrong with interracial marriages, opposites attract. I believe that a diverse family can be positive. America is a diverse country to begin with, so naturally families are diverse as well. In my opinion if a family is strong and loves each other, diversity doesn’t matter. Diversity can teach a new beginning family a lot, from the different beliefs to the way you sleep at night. Learning different things from different cultures should and would be fun. Having different diversities within a household would very educational as well. Love and learning would be the main platforms for a diverse family. You would have to learn the lifestyle and learn how it would fit together.

If the trend changed towards traditional pre-world war II families, Society would be surely happy with returning women to staying at home without working and making men the responsible one to make the money. Women would not be allowed to work or go to school, they would be at home taking care of the kids, preparing food, doing laundry, etc. Men would be out working bringing the money home for his wife to go pay the bills and pick up groceries for the house. Women would not have their independency and that would help with less divorced families. So much have changed over the times and the society has become its worst enemy. Just trying to imagine going back to the times in pre-world war II it would be very hard. I think people should really consider some of the stuff to intertwine in todays life and maybe it would be a little smoother. I do like being able to work and go to school and as a mama I love being home with my son.

I don’t see nothing wrong with cooking for your man if you have one there is nothing at all wrong 9 times out of 10 a man is lazy and wont cook. Cleaning a home is perfectly fine as well but I say don’t dirty it up if you don’t want to clean it up. Its okay sometimes to take on that job as a woman to do everything but there is nothing wrong with some help as well. Sometimes in todays life women still have it hard, certain jobs you cant get because you aren’t a man, or if your pregnant and struggling yes I know its wrong to have an abortion but if you are unable to take care of the child don’t make them because its just gone be that woman taking on the responsibility alone, while the man is gone about their business. Women get labeled and looked at crazy if they do something a man does, I mean let the women decide on what they want to do or be in life. For example, the president they do not want a woman with that title, crazy. We as women will have the world moving smoothly, well that is what I think. I’m glad they made it to where we can vote, because our vote matters. Leaving it up to just a man well I can say look at the world now, that sums up the reason we as women need our rights and I truly believe we deserve more than what we are given today. Equality on house work and money glad everyone is building together but a woman goes through just a little more than men.

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Different Races And Ethnicity. (2022, Jun 28). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/different-races-and-ethnicity/