Age Gender and Ethnicity

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Updated: Jun 28, 2022
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Healthy behavior should be defined as a specific health behavior from health, this is acquired and learned. Health as a process implies identification, attention, practice, and development. Health is not seen as something in which attention should be paid and qualifying it in its presence and origin is simply taken as something already given. Therefore, if we treat health we must treat it from the perspective of health and considering the psychological and social factors that specifically determine it, focusing strictly on primary prevention derived from the behaviors and leads to health before disease.

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The theory of health lifestyles starts to establish a convergence between the agency and the structure. The lifestyle in health are combined health behavior patterns that are configured from different choices. There is clearly a combined relationship between life choices and life chances. In the elements of class circumstances, age, gender, race/ethnicity, collectivities, and living condition (Cockerham, 151) generate life chances. “Choices and chances interact to determine a person’s health lifestyle, as life chances either enable or constrain the choices made” (Cockerham, 154). The agency deals with life choices which is conditioned by the socialization and the experiences of the individuals. The class circumstances are probably the most power influence. The differences are widely recognized in terms of health care practices, physical activity, food preferences, etc. between social class. “The lifestyles of the upper and upper-middle classes are the healthiest and those of the lower class the least healthy” (Cockerham, 151). Age gender and ethnicity play a fundamental role for the socially determined disadvantages that some groups suffer. The collectivities refer to specific groups of people linked by particular relationships such as work, profession, religion, etc. capable of influencing the lifestyles of its members.

The socialization both which occur in the family and in social groups is what shapes the individual’s decisions and establish the main substance for the agency. Which means the ability to make decisions according to the initiative of the individual. An example is the health lifestyle that started for me at home. My mom always cooked food at home so we rarely ate out. Even though we ate at home it wasn’t always the healthiest being because it was food that was affordable for my parent’s budget. We were never considered upper-class but we’ve always had everything we need to live a “good life”. Now that I am older I am used to eating at home more than eating out. Having friends who like to work out and eat healthy, has influence me to start working out more often and cooking healthier foods at home. 

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Age Gender And Ethnicity. (2022, Jun 28). Retrieved from