Race, Color or Ethnicity

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Updated: Jun 29, 2022
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Much of the treatment being implied to “different” people is not fair. The discrimination in the justice administration is not acceptable, the people that are being treated differently don’t deserve to be treated in this matter, therefore people in justice should modify some laws. Laws that can help change many of the treatment given and teach us how to be respected and more importantly learn how to treat others the right way. The people with more power should be trained in a different way.

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In a way that they learn that no one is different. Everyone is all equal and everyone should accept the way each and everyone of us look, speak, and the way we are.

Treatment that people with more power are giving others is mainly because they are not like “them”. These people are being treated this way based on their ethnicity, race, color, and even beliefs. What many of us have to learn is that not because we look “different”or because we come from different race means that we are more valuable. Much of the arrest or even innocent death happening at the moment are not justify. The unequal treatment that has happened many of the times has been because of the similar characteristics. (Race Discrimination.)’ American Governance, edited by Stephen Schechter). Much Of the death of people even kids with different color are not justify enough, this death have been because “ I thought he had a gun.” or because “ he had his hand on his pocket”. But is that really why these shooting are happening? These treatment should not be dealt with any more, we should all change the way we see things and be more opened up to reality.

Some of the people with more power are over using the power that the law gives them. Not only in schools or public places but also on the way they stop people and arrest them. These people are being accused of being guilty of something that many time they did not do. Not saying they are all innocent, but some of the arrest happening are because people with similar characteristics have messed up in the past. Not because people with similar characteristics in the past have done things that they shouldn’t be accused of. Many of this people are not even getting the chance to get a lawyer to defend them. This is because many of them have been declared guilty even before they get a chance to get their first court. People with more power are over taking authority and abuse of their power to do much of this discriminations. (Raphling, John, and Pete White. ‘Bail Reform that Won’t Fix an Unjust System.’)

Many homicides are being found and have not been solved. Due to the fact that they have not been solved many of these are being accused on other people. No one really questions many of the deads going on and these are being blamed on people that already have felonies. This innocent people are being arrested or are being pressured to spend longer time in jail because the people with power are declaring them as guilty, when are they really? Or they just don’t want to do their job right? These people do not deserve this treatment just because someone doesn’t like how they look or because they are different race, color or ethnicity. Is a treatment that we should all be against.

This treatment is not acceptable anymore, time has changed we are not in the late 1900’s Incidents deaths and miss treatments happening due to this kind of mindset. People need to open their eyes and change the way of seeing thing and stop what’s hurting others and what’s causing so much damage to people, to families. To do what you don’t want to be done to you or the ones you love. Let’s put a stop to this and make some changes. We have to open up our eyes and see that our actions hurt others and that these actions are causing much harm. This is causing many deaths and this and many families are being destroyed due to these actions.

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Race, Color Or Ethnicity. (2022, Jun 28). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/race-color-or-ethnicity/