“Desiree’s Baby”: a Reflection on Identity and Prejudice

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Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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Kate Chopin’s short story, “Desiree’s Baby,” set in the antebellum South, is a poignant narrative that explores themes of racial identity, prejudice, and the complexities of love and betrayal. Through the tale of Desiree and her child, Chopin delves into the destructive power of societal norms and the tragic consequences of internalized racism. This essay will unpack the layers of meaning in “Desiree’s Baby,” exploring how Chopin uses character, setting, and irony to critique the societal attitudes of her time.

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At the heart of the story is Desiree, a woman whose past is shrouded in mystery, having been found and adopted by the Valmonde family as a toddler. Her marriage to Armand Aubigny, a man from a wealthy and prestigious Creole family, seems like a fairy tale come true. However, the birth of their child brings a dramatic change. As the baby grows, it becomes evident that he is of mixed racial heritage, which, in the context of the 19th-century South, is a matter of grave significance. The story’s tension revolves around the question of who, between Desiree and Armand, brought the non-white lineage into their child’s bloodline.

Chopin’s use of setting is critical in highlighting the story’s themes. The Louisiana plantation, L’Abri, is not just a backdrop but a symbol of the rigid social and racial hierarchies of the time. The plantation is described as somber and oppressive, mirroring the darkening of Armand’s mood as he grapples with the implications of his son’s heritage. This setting reinforces the societal constraints and expectations that dictate the characters’ lives and ultimately their fates.

The most striking element in Chopin’s narrative is her use of irony, particularly in the story’s climax. The letter discovered by Armand, revealing it is he who has African ancestry, not Desiree, turns the story on its head. This revelation is a powerful commentary on the arbitrary and constructed nature of racial identities, especially in a society so obsessively concerned with lineage and purity. The irony lies in Armand’s vehement racism and pride in his heritage, which is ultimately his undoing.

Chopin also masterfully explores the theme of identity. Desiree’s lack of a known lineage leaves her vulnerable and dependent on the society’s acceptance for her identity. Her identity crisis deepens with the realization that her child is part African-American, leading to her tragic decision to leave L’Abri. In contrast, Armand’s identity is seemingly secure until it is shattered by the truth of his heritage. This contrast highlights the fragility of identity based on societal perceptions and the dangers of internalizing oppressive societal norms.

Furthermore, the story is a critique of the patriarchal and racial prejudices of the time. Desiree’s fate is ultimately decided by Armand, showcasing her lack of agency. Her acceptance and later rejection by Armand reflect the societal attitude towards race – acceptance and love contingent on fitting into the accepted social norms. Chopin, through this narrative, condemns the societal propensity to judge and discriminate based on ancestry and the color of one’s skin.

In conclusion, “Desiree’s Baby” is a powerful exploration of the themes of racial identity, societal prejudice, and the tragic outcomes of internalized racism. Kate Chopin, through her nuanced storytelling, critiques the rigid social structures of her time. The story serves as a reminder of the destructive power of racism and the importance of basing identity on more than just societal perceptions. In its exploration of these themes, “Desiree’s Baby” remains a relevant and compelling narrative, offering valuable insights into the human condition and the societal constructs that shape it.

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"Desiree's Baby": A Reflection on Identity and Prejudice. (2023, Dec 01). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/desirees-baby-a-reflection-on-identity-and-prejudice/