Decrease Student Debt as Step for the Future of America
America has always been known as one of the freest and most prosperous countries that exist in our modern world today. Freedom is the staple of our country and is what distinguishes us from other places in the world. We, as citizens in the United States, enjoy an incredibly vast array of rights and laws from which we benefit every day, even if we are not actively aware of it. There are so many reasons why we can take pride in where we live.
Many third-world countries can only dream of living like we do, even if we think the way that we live isn't particularly idealistic or up to our desired standards. Occasionally, people should stop and take a moment to appreciate how privileged we actually are, even though there are various things that could make our country better than it already is. You have the capability to change your own future for the better by taking a stand and speaking out about things that are important to you. One of the things that make our country so wonderful is that we, the citizens, play a crucial role in how we want our country to be run and are encouraged to have an input on what goes on and who runs it.
One concern regarding our country pertains to the outrageous cost of college, and our flawed education system in general. The average student loan debt is now approaching the crippling amount of over $30,000, while our nation as a whole is at a loss of $1.2 trillion in college loans. It has also been proven that the class of 2015 has acquired the most student debt in US history so far. Many kids are settling for lower education simply because college costs are outrageous, sometimes even with the help of financial aid involved. We should be enforcing and encouraging kids to go to college, not scaring them away with the thought of being in debt for the rest of their lives. It is time to rise up and start taking our education seriously and prove to the world that we are more than capable of raising one of the smartest generations to come. It's not fair that people with sufficient amounts of money are guaranteed success, while kids who come from lower income families have to settle for less. If we want the youth of our generation to be successful and have a bright future, we should do what we can to make that entirely possible for them.
The people of our current generation have grown to be more open minded and accepting people although there is always room for improvement. In times of need, our citizens have come together to unite as one regardless of our differences. It is very surreal to think that 65 years ago people were segregatedmerely because of their race. Now, any and every type of person are embraced with open arms in our country and communities without feeling alienated because of who they are. America is the land of the free, but we shouldn't only embrace that when it is convenient for us. Everyone, regardless of gender, race, sexuality, religion, etc.
People should be able to practice their rights whether you agree with their lifestyle and choices or not, just as much as you are able to. We should set an example for our upcoming generations to love everyone equally. How can our country trulybe called the "Land of the Free" if there are still people being discriminated against? Let's hope that our nation has nowhere to go but up from here.

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Decrease student debt as step for the future of America. (2022, Nov 22). Retrieved from