Cooking is my Passion

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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Cooking is my Passion

In this personal essay, the author will share their passion for cooking. They will discuss how cooking serves as a creative outlet, a way to connect with others, and a source of personal satisfaction. The piece will reflect on the joys of cooking, its challenges, and the author’s culinary inspirations and aspirations. You can also find more related free essay samples at PapersOwl about Food.

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The passion for cooking appeared in childhood, then we lived in Tallinn. I often watched my grandmother make pancakes. I have always wondered how she kneads the dough, how the ingredients behave, why, with the help of some chemical processes, the desired consistency is obtained. In second grade, I was presented with a small aluminum frying pan that I used to fry my first pancakes. Another interesting story is connected with a trip to a toy store with my mother: instead of a typewriter, I chose a small oven, which, of course, surprised her.

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This, in part, predetermined my passion for the cooking process.

When I graduated from school, I could not decide in any way who I still want to be in life. I was interested in creativity, and there was a real passion for paints, drawing, art. During my school years, all my notebooks were painted. I especially enjoyed coming up with sneaker designs. But the development of talent required a serious art education. And I knew for sure that I could not be an office employee because of my too active, restless nature. The decision came by itself – my mother’s neighbor advised me to go to a culinary college. It was there that I realized that I could create and create drawings and compositions, but only on a plate.

My professional career began in a Mexican restaurant, which I ended up in after two years of training. I pretty quickly managed to get comfortable in the kitchen and learn how to cope with a large number of very different tasks on my own.

I cook both at home and for friends, but this is a real creative process and almost always a surprise, since the most unusual idea can come at the last moment, and I drastically change my menu plans.

Black bread with butter, which I love very much, with cheese and black sweet tea, is the best morning for me. Bread gives energy, butter adds mood, and cheese is always for enjoyment. I don’t drink coffee at all, as it relaxes, as well as alcohol. I lead and promote a healthy lifestyle, I am actively involved in sports and I have a good attitude towards vegetarianism, if people approach this correctly and wisely, and not from the point of view of fashion or PR.

My dream is to create my own restaurant, which would be pleasant and sincere, where the guest could find something interesting for himself, and then go out into the world with new thoughts and a fresh head. I think it will not be a very large restaurant, with an open kitchen, where I would create something that I have a heart for, located in a picturesque place, conducive to relaxation. But I never plan, everything goes on as usual.

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Cooking Is My Passion. (2021, Jul 04). Retrieved from