Competition and Nurturing Youth Talent through Healthy Rivalry

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Updated: Aug 23, 2023
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The Essence of Talent and Competitiveness

When I think about Competition, I consider talent. Talent can manifest in various forms, such as sports, clubs, or tournaments. Kids should be confident and show people what they can do. Tournaments help kids by having skills, what they should achieve, and following their dreams. That is what children should do to show their talent.

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Some kids get good at showing other people, but some kids are timid. Those are some reasons why kids should show their talent.

My kids show their talent; they show their skills. Children show people what they can do. When kids show their skills, they can teach other people or kids how to do the same thing so they can be a model, too. It can be their opportunity to be something big, like shows, plays, or group clubs. Skills can motivate other people to show where they got in competitions. Children should always be confident about what they are doing. It can always show kids how great they are. That is why kids have talent and skills.

Achievement and Dreams in Competition

In Competition, athletes should achieve their goals and win other tournaments. When kids have goals, they should not do hard work. Kids should do their best in competitions or tournaments. They should also push themselves by being capable of trying their hardest. Every kid should gain confidence. That is why kids should achieve their goals or in Competition. That is why kids should show their talent by showing what they achieve.

When kids are in competitions and showing their talent, they should follow their dreams. When youth or young adults have their dreams, they should encourage or express other people or kids in competitions, sports, or clubs. They also listen and push themselves to achieve and work hard for their dreams. In Competition, they should express their thoughts and feelings. People should listen to youth about their feelings and thoughts in competitions, tournaments, or clubs so they can hear them out. Kids should follow their dreams, talents, or anything they want. That is why kids should follow their dreams in competitions. Kids should show people their talents anywhere.

Competition can benefit youth because they can follow their dreams, show each other skills, and show what they achieve. When I think about competitions, I think about making new friends, helping people out, and having teamwork. Kids worldwide should do the same thing as other kids on TV.


  1. Smith, J. (2020). The Role of Competitions in Youth Development. Journal of Child Development, 34(2), 345-356.
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Competition and Nurturing Youth Talent Through Healthy Rivalry. (2023, Aug 23). Retrieved from