Compare the Four Major Europeans Nations

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“Compare the four major Europeans nations that engaged in exploration and colonization during the 15 and 16 centauries. Identify and discuss the factor leading to the age of Europeans explorations and conquest during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and discuss how any two of the following nations the Portuguese, Spanish, English or French deferred in term of their motivations for exploration and their settlement patterns.

During the 15 and 16 Centuries many good things happened as well as bad. In those centuries was when four of the European nations engage in exploration.

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Portugal, Spain, English and France were four European nations that although the four were in search of land, fame, wealth and power, the four had something that differentiated them. The four nations differed in the way in how they got what they wanted, and in the religion, they believed in.

The four European nations had an ambition to adorn themselves of everything they saw no matter what tribe they belonged to. as we see the case of Columbus when he found North America, where the Taino tribe lived, which was brutally treated by the Spanish. As explained in chapter 2 ” During the 1490’s and early 1500 Spanish colonizers imposed a brutal regime on the Taino’s slaughtering native leaders and forcing survivors to toil in mines and fields. ” On the other hand, the English did not stay behind when they entered America they wanted to treat the Irish with brutality, they wanted to impose themselves on them and let them know that their work It was not good enough and that they (the English) were going to teach them. This did not much like the Irish and it was when they rebelled against the English as he explains in the ” chapter 2”When the Irish rebelled at the program of ” liberation ”, the English ruthlessly repressed them, slaughtering not only combatants but civilians as well. Most English in Ireland, like most Spaniards in America resisted civilization and proper Christianity should be subdued at any cost. In contrast to the English and the Spanish, the French were more astute what they were looking for with other tribes was an alliance that would give them economic power, the French came to North America with useful tools, which for Indians was something exotic and very valuable for example, in chapter 3 explains that the French brought wondrous, textiles, glass, cooper and ironware. All these tools were going to make the natives had a life easier, for the native all that had to do with exchanges of good were bound up in complex social relations. Similarly, with France the Portuguese They were also looking for an alliance when they wanted to grab something from West Africa. The Portuguese’s knew that if they allied with west Africa they could circumvent the costly trans and many things which would benefit them. As explained in chapter 3, the Portuguese offered textiles especially, but also raw and worked metal goods. In return African gave up prized commodity such as gold, ivory and malaguetta power. All these examples show how this fourth European nation acted different to obtain what they wanted. In addition, the four-nation differed in the religion they believed in.

When the four European nations engage in exploration and colonization during the 15th and 16th centuries religion was very important, and it was a power between countries. Some countries criticized the religion of other while that religion was power. Sometimes religion scared to many governors because they thought that other countries would use religion to undermine their rules, as is the case of Queen Elizabeth of England, who was worried that Spain would use English Catholics to undermine her rule. As she says in chapter 3, ‘ ‘Elizabeth’s advisers cautioned that Catholics Ireland to the west would be an ideal base from which Spain or France could launch an invasion of England.’ ‘The government of England was not catholic and when they arrived in Ireland they saw the native catholic inhabitants as superstitious, pagan savages. As well as France and Spain, Portugal was deeply Catholic and was widely criticized by the that for the English what the Catholics did was not to the liking of the God they worshiped since as one Englishman mentions, ” they blaspheme, they murder, commit whore dome ”, all this shows the impact that the religion had on these quasi-nations that in spite of being in the same continent all differed in something. Discussing the nation who differed the most in term of their motivations for exploration and their settlement patterns where Portuguese and Spain because Portuguese want it to negotiate with Africa and build relationship in contrast with the people from Spain when they conquest America

they treated the Taino tribe without respect and did not look for a way to negotiate; on the contrary, they treated them brutally. Also, in chapter 2 it clearly shows the motivation of Columbus had to explore new horizons for that same reason was that he discovered America. On the contrary, with the Portuguese I did not find a paragraph which showed the motivation that they had for to explore. For that reason and more these two countries differ greatly in the motivation that each one had when it came to explore.

In conclusion, the four nations differed in the way in how they got what they wanted, and in the religion, they believed in. although much we doubted the difference in countries that are close to each other and how religion can change many things. These differences exist and that is what makes them unique and with distinct idealisms.

Work cites

  1. Heyrman, D., & Stoff, L. (n.d.). The First Civilization of North America. In U.s A Narrative History (7th ed., Vol. 1, pp. 1-350).
  2. Heyrman, D., & Stoff, L. (n. d). Old Worlds, New Worlds 1400-1600. In U.s A Narrative History (7th ed., Vol. 1, pp. 1-350).
  3. Heyrman, D., & Stoff, L. (n. d). Colonization and Conflict In The North 1600-1700. In U.s A Narrative History (7th ed., Vol. 1, pp. 1-350).”
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Compare the Four Major Europeans Nations. (2020, Aug 20). Retrieved from