Character Analysis in E. Lockhart’s “We were Liars”

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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E. Lockhart’s book, “We Were Liars,” dives into family, memory, and the risky search for truth. The story revolves around the Sinclair family, who seem to have a perfect life on their private island. But underneath all that glamor, there’s a tangle of secrets and lies that come to light through Cadence Sinclair Eastman, the main character. The characters are pretty well-thought-out, each one showing deep emotions and reasons that push the story along. This essay looks at three main characters: Cadence Sinclair Eastman, Johnny Sinclair, and Mirren Sinclair.

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By checking out their personalities, relationships, and growth, we get a better feel of what “We Were Liars” is all about.

Cadence Sinclair Eastman: The Unreliable Narrator

Cadence Sinclair Eastman, who tells the story, is a mix of fragility and strength. She’s got selective amnesia because of a bad accident, showing how memories can be tricky. With her scattered memories, Lockhart paints Cadence as both a victim and someone involved in her family’s lies. She deals with constant pain and the stress of putting her lost memories back together, making us feel for her. As Cadence’s story goes on, she grows from a naive, spoiled teen into someone more thoughtful and aware. She realizes her family’s not as perfect as she thought and sees her part in keeping up the facade. In the end, her journey of self-discovery and redemption makes her a really interesting character.

Johnny Sinclair: The Loyal Confidant

Johnny Sinclair, Cadence’s cousin, is the loyal friend everyone needs. He’s always there for Cadence and shows strong family loyalty. But it’s not always simple. He gets caught in the middle of the Sinclair family’s fights and is stuck between loving his cousins and knowing the family’s dark secrets. Johnny’s bond with Cadence is super important, showing love even in chaos. He’s protective and sticks with Cadence, even when the truth hurts. Despite his own issues with fitting in the family, Johnny is reliable and kind, making him key to the story.

Mirren Sinclair: The Idealist Dreamer

Mirren Sinclair, another cousin, stands out with her idealism and wish for a life free from her family’s high expectations. Unlike Cadence and Johnny, Mirren is open about not liking the family’s focus on money and status. She dreams of a simpler, more real life, and often voices her dislike for their superficial world. Mirren’s idealism is both her strength and weakness; it makes her question family values but also leaves her feeling disillusioned and fragile. Her close tie with Cadence is based on shared disappointment and a desire for honesty. Mirren’s sad end reminds us of the cost of living in denial and the harm of the family’s lies. Through Mirren, Lockhart shows why it’s important to face tough truths and the danger of dreaming of a flawed reality.


The characters in “We Were Liars” are deeply connected to the story’s themes of memory, truth, and family complexities. Cadence Sinclair Eastman, with her unreliable memory and self-awareness journey, is the emotional heart of the tale. Johnny Sinclair’s unwavering loyalty and kindness offer stability amid the chaos, while Mirren Sinclair’s idealism and tragic fate show the dangers of ignoring reality. Together, they paint a picture of a family struggling with illusions and harsh truths. Through their journeys, Lockhart creates a gripping story that sticks with readers long after finishing the book. In “We Were Liars,” the Sinclair family’s perfect image falls apart, highlighting the deep effects of secrets and the ongoing search for truth.

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Character Analysis in E. Lockhart's "We Were Liars". (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from