Changes of Person’s Temperament from Naughty to Shy

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Updated: Mar 24, 2023
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Everyone is born with some kind of temperament. It shows personality traits like personal values, talents, and attitudes. One cannot change their own temperament. It is so special that it defines us as human beings. I believe that we should all thank God for giving us diverse temperaments. It is a mixture of inherited traits that intuitively imitate a person’s performance. I agree with the definition that is stated in the article because as time went on, my experiences did influence how I act now.

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I do not fight anymore, and I am very connected with my family than I was before. I believe that individual temperaments have their courage, objections, potentials, and limitations in life.

I had a talk with my parents and extended family about how I was when I was young, and I concluded that when I was a child, my temperament label was difficult. This conclusion was made from my own instinct after looking at what I am today and going through all the things my family members have told me. We had a get-together last weekend, and I asked them when we were having tea to describe to me how I was when I was a child. My parents just shook their heads, and my cousins asked me to pay them anytime they went through a problem because of me.

My mother described me as a child who would never sit compared to my brother. She said that I would always love to move around, and if I stayed in the same spot for about five to ten minutes, they would know that I was not well. At my temple, I was very famous. Everyone knew that I had entered the Gurudawara because I would be jumping off the walls. My mother said she always had difficulties monitoring me because I would go with any random person and just play with them, unlike my brother, who would stay on top of my parents and just be with them. The priest at my temple was a witness to my temperament behavior. Not only was I well-known at my temple, but I was also well-known in my subdivision too. I would always be bicycling around in the summer or sledding in the snow in the winter. My appetite was chaotic too. From the beginning, I was always the chubby little child everyone loved in some way.

However, I would get very angry at the fact that people would go off of the amount I would eat and make fun of me. I remember this because I always had problems with my mom about overeating and why she would give me one piece of bread and give my skinny little brother two. I felt that she was being sexist, but she was actually looking out for my future health, and I understand that now. Where my overeating was a problem, my brother would not eat at all. So, when I was complaining to my mother that she was being unfair because she always gave him two and me one, my brother would complain about the fact that he did not want to eat. All he ever wanted was milk. The biggest problem my parents would have was that I would never sit in one place and eat. As I was a child, I would make a mess here and there with my food because I felt like I had so much to do and would not concentrate on eating, which would result in a messy floor.

My cousins and brother did not like me as a child. As I grew up, we became much more connected. When I was young, they considered me an attention seeker. I would occupy myself with actions that would put me in trouble. For example, I would get into fights with the other children over very little things and begin to cry. However, as time went on, I remember that I became very shy. My shy behavior resulted in me having very few friends of my age, and the few friends I would make, we would start to fight.

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Changes of Person’s Temperament From Naughty to Shy. (2023, Mar 24). Retrieved from