Buckner Family Hope Center

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How it works

History, vision, mission and objectives

Buckner family hope center was founded in 1875 and was named after a former US Senator Alexander Buckner. The center offers charitable services to children mainly housing children who have various disorders that require special attention that may not be affordable to parents or to orphaned children who do not have guardians. The children mostly found in this home are those suffering from neurodevelopmental disorders. These children have low brain development which draws back the normal speed of child development (Shin, 2016).

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Buckner family hope center also contributes to the education of parents on their roles towards the development of the children suffering from neurodevelopmental disorders. They are provided with the guidelines which help then minimize the delay in a child’s development. Following statistics, the number of children in the Buckner Family Hope Center by the year 2016 was 3,076.

The mission of this organization is to improve the quality of life for the children and facilitate the achievement of their dreams in the future. Despite the challenges these children are facing, the organization is focused on helping them achieve what they aspire to be. Additionally, the organization’s vision is to transform the way children with disorders and their families are viewed in the society through equipping them with skills to help them suit in the modern world.

The source of funds for Buckner family comes from various sources. A great source of funds comes from donations from individuals or other non-governmental agencies. This happens as a result of interest from the works performed by this center. The center seeks donors to supply them with the resources required to enhance the smooth running of the center. The government also offers support by funding the organization as a form of encouragement. The government also supplies various learning equipment to help the children improve their learning skills. The government also supports the center through funding the construction of classes and other structures which facilitate accommodation of the children and the smooth running of the organization.

Additionally, the Buckner family hope center also organizes fundraising events which help in the creation of resources to run the organization effectively. People and officials from different background contribute to the success of the organization.

How after-school enrichment activities benefit children develop mentally

After-school enrichment activities include sports, performing arts, dance, drama, choir or even engaging in a band. These activities help in the mental development of a child. The child gets an opportunity to engage in activities that help in building their brains. For example, involving in artwork, a child gets the opportunity to become more creative in their work which as a result improves on his or her thinking skills in classwork. This builds the mental growth of an individual.

The involvement in group activities such as dance, drama or sports, improve on an individual’s skills on teamwork. This helps in mental development as they get to learn that working with others makes work simple and brings about a wide range of ideas which help in academic excellence (Curtis, 20140). Working together with others also makes one realize their hidden potential which may be of academic importance that facilitates excellence. Such activities also help a child to travel and interact with other children from different cultural backgrounds. Through such activities, he or she will be able to learn about different cultures and believes which helps in his/her mental growth.

After-school enrichment activities also help in keeping the brain of a child busy which helps in memory. Once a child stays idle and is not involved in other non-school activities, they tend to forget the important aspects they learned from school and this becomes a great hindrance in academic excellence. During the involvement in after-school activities, the parent should identify their child’s interests and talents so as to be able to choose an activity that perfectly suits the needs of their child (Northcutt, 2016). Moreover, involving school work in after school enrichment activities is an important aspect which helps in the mental development of a child. For example, in sports, some songs can be accompanied by a game which makes the activities more lively and interesting. The songs may entail school work which helps in memorizing of important aspects of class work.

Description of the role of a teacher in the agency

A teacher in the bunker agency has the responsibility of creating lesson plans for the students. These lesson plans should be done in three different categories. A lesson plan for all the students is meant for preparing on how the students will be taught in a systematic order. Another lesson plan is created for each individual student (Shin, 2016). The purpose of this plan is to ensure that each student keeps the pace of the others and in the case where he or she is facing some challenges; the teacher will be able to know easily. The last lesson plan is designed for groups of students. This improves the teamwork capabilities of the students and enhances a better understanding of their studies.

Additionally, a teacher has the responsibility of tracking students’ progress in both class and other non-curricular activities and reports them to the parents. This tracking involves the student’s participation in class work, group activities and the general performance in examinations. Proper records management in the continued performance of a student helps in monitoring of their progress. A teacher should do a comparison of the different performances in order to determine if the student is improving or deteriorating in his or her studies.

Moreover, a teacher has the responsibility of reinforcing classroom rules in order to facilitate effective studying. This involves the maintenance of silence in classrooms as well as managing the sitting arrangements of students according to their needs. Additionally, the teacher is responsible for creating tests for the students which acts as an intellectual measure.

The teacher also works with the institution’s management in preparing the students for standardized tests. These tests are made for students from all levels of understanding and different social classes. The teacher also reports to the administration on any issues concerning the students which are above his or her capability to handle (Northcutt, 2016). The welfare of each individual student is of great importance in Buckner family center. The teachers collaborate with the management of this institution in ensuring that all students are well taken care of and their needs met. Any challenge being faced by the student should, therefore, be reported to the management so that appropriate measures can be put in place.

A teacher has the responsibility of identifying each student’s talents in both class and outside. This helps in the modeling of a career path for the students. Through observation and communication, a teacher is able to discover the likes and interest of his or her students. Once a student’s capability is identified, they can be trained in their areas of specialization and thus growing their career path which is a major objective of the Buckner family hope center.


  1. Curtis, M. A., Corman, H., Noonan, K., & Reichman, N. E. (2014). Maternal depression as a risk factor for family homelessness. American Journal of Public Health, 104(9), 1664-1670.
  2. Northcutt, W. L. L. (2016). Creating locational Equilibriums: The Potential Role of Publicly Funded Housing as a Foundation for Equality of Opportunity for Impoverished Children.
  3. Shin, J. Y., Kizilbash, S. H., Robinson, S. I., Uhm, J. H., Hammack, J. E., Lachance, D. H., … & Jatoi, A. (2016). Seizures in patients with primary brain tumors: what is their psychosocial impact? Journal of neuro-oncology, 128(2), 285-291. 
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Buckner Family Hope Center. (2021, Oct 18). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/buckner-family-hope-center/