Benefits of Public Speaking

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During my two weeks of class, I discovered several aspects of my personality and personal development that have significantly influenced my perspective on both my personal and professional life. One of the most enlightening revelations was identifying my Jungian Typology as the 'Campaigner.' This particular typology is characterized by enthusiasm, creativity, and a sociable nature—traits that resonate deeply with my personality. However, this journey of self-discovery was not straightforward. I found myself exhibiting qualities from other typologies as well, making the selection process challenging.

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Ultimately, embracing the 'Campaigner' typology felt most fitting, as it aligns with my natural inclination towards enthusiasm and social interaction. In this essay, I will explore my journey of self-awareness, stress management, career aspirations, and personal development, while addressing areas for improvement.

Self-Discovery and Personality Typology

Choosing the 'Campaigner' typology was a reflective process that required me to analyze my social interactions and intrinsic motivations. I realized that my enthusiasm towards engaging discussions and my natural inclination to uplift others exemplified the core traits of a 'Campaigner.' My sociable spirit enables me to connect with individuals on a deeper level, often bringing a sense of joy to those around me. However, acknowledging these strengths also highlighted areas for improvement. For instance, while I am productive, I recognize the need to enhance my efficiency by delegating tasks that fall outside my responsibilities and meticulously tracking my time to identify areas of inefficiency.

Stress Management and Internal Locus of Control

Through my assessments, I discovered that I possess an internal locus of control. This realization was instrumental in understanding how I perceive my ability to influence personal and professional outcomes. I have come to believe that my goals and achievements are largely within my control, with external factors playing a minor role. Despite this empowering perspective, I found myself facing signs of burnout. The intense pressures of working in the medical field, where the well-being of others often takes precedence over my own, contributed to a significant amount of stress. According to the Holmes and Rahe stress scale, my stress levels were considerable, prompting me to seek effective stress management strategies. I recognized the importance of finding the root causes of my stress and implementing measures to prevent burnout, such as prioritizing self-care and finding a balance between helping others and my own well-being.

Career Aspirations and Personal Development

One of my primary goals is to pursue a career in sports management marketing. This aspiration is driven by my passion for sports and my desire to create meaningful connections within the industry. To achieve this, I am committed to completing my bachelor's degree and preparing a comprehensive personal development plan. This plan involves not only academic achievements but also the cultivation of essential skills such as communication, interpersonal abilities, and work ethic. I aim to enhance my communication skills through public speaking engagements, which will help me address larger audiences confidently. Additionally, I am determined to create a robust resume and develop a schedule or checklist of classes needed to fulfill my academic and professional goals.

Reflection and SWOT Analysis

Reflecting on my SWOT analysis, I acknowledge both my strengths and potential threats. While I am positioned to succeed, I must also be aware of the competition and individuals with superior talents. Improving my time management skills is crucial to reducing stress and meeting deadlines effectively. Often, I find myself overwhelmed by a packed schedule, resulting in extended working hours to complete tasks. To overcome this challenge, I am committed to creating a structured schedule that balances my academic, professional, and personal commitments. Additionally, I plan to develop a checklist to ensure I fulfill all necessary requirements for my career.


In conclusion, my journey of self-discovery and personal development has provided valuable insights into my personality, stress management, career aspirations, and areas for improvement. Embracing my 'Campaigner' typology has allowed me to appreciate my enthusiasm and social nature while recognizing the need for enhanced productivity and stress management. As I work towards my goal of becoming a sports management marketer, I am committed to implementing a comprehensive personal development plan that encompasses academic achievements, skill enhancement, and effective time management. By adhering to this plan, I am confident that I will achieve my aspirations and create a fulfilling and successful career in the competitive job market.

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Benefits of Public Speaking. (2022, Feb 12). Retrieved from