Importance of Public Speaking in History
How it works
The current methods and knowledge on public speaking are drawn from the Western and Ancient Greece methods of public speaking. Public speaking and communication form the foundation of the society since it allows the people to interact with others thereby forming connections, influencing the decisions taken and motivating change in the society.
One of the most famed orators was Martin Luther King Jr. who through his public speaking skills and methods of engaging the society managed to revolutionize the American nation.
Public speaking is therefore, an important facet in the society and draws from the individual models towards developing the best practices and articulating critical changes needed in the larger societal structure. In history, public speaking is critical in taking the people through past events and informing them on the different aspects of the past and how it may influence the future.
An interview with an American archaeologist reveals that in history, public speaking is critical since it helps to convince people of the specific ideas and evidence that has been collected that in some cases may be centuries old. It is these principles that make it critical to ensure that for history students, public speaking forms a critical part of their studies. As a history student is important to first assess public speaking and understand how it was developed into the methods that are used to date.
Public speaking can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome where the citizens were encouraged to participate in the society through rhetoric and try to argue their points. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle are famed for their public speaking skills and its development through the years (Stewart, 1997).
Aristotle developed the use of rhetoric that was mainly developed from understanding the methods of persuasion in which he highlighted logos, ethos and pathos as the main elements that help one in persuading others on a specific point. Cicero and Quintilian were also critical in developing the skills and outlined important facets of persuasive speech that are still in use to date (Stewart, 1997). These methods were further developed in the medieval period, the renaissance period as well as the American Revolution before the current models were adopted.
Public speaking has been a critical aspect in the development of society and outlined the individual needs that have been essential towards outlining and creating a strong approach of change that has been essential in the society to date. One of the importances of public speaking is to win over the crowd and convince others on a specific point that one raises. In history with most of the information and data being in the past, the events or account of these attributes can only be developed through convincing others on the accuracy of the theories and positions that one holds (Stewart, 1997).
An interview with the archaeologist revealed that one not only needs the evidence but the public speaking skills to convince the people of the validity of the evidence that has been collected. In history it is about how one presents the evidence or theories while presenting it to the public that makes the difference in the profession. It is therefore, imperative to learn the public speaking skills to convince others in the profession of the different conclusions and positions that one holds on a specific subject. It is also critical to know that in most cases one will face strong challenge from other professionals in the field, but it is the methods that one takes to argue their positions and convince others to take the same position that makes one a great professional (Stewart, 1997).
The interview indicated that there are many contentious issues and position that are held in history but it is how the professional who collected and presented the evidence that makes the information or data believable. These are the main indicators of change that are therefore, compounded and developed in different systems thereby outlining a critical attribute that is particularly matured and developed in history. Public speaking is also important in motivating others and making them believe in an ideal or position in the profession.
As a professional in history one needs to get funding or support to conduct research and assess different historical arguments. This entails giving the institutions or individuals evidence and information while motivating them to contribute to one’s research. It is therefore, imperative to ensure that as professional one develops the best methods of public speaking to convince and motivate others to contribute to the research. This requires impeccable skills in public speaking to elicit confidence in others who should believe that one’s position in a specific aspect should be researched and sponsored within the set system (Stewart, 1997).
It is therefore, imperative to develop the best controls and articulate specific structures that are critical in ensuring that other individuals in the society understand the set attributes and develop similar models as set in the systems accordingly. One therefore, needs to motivate others in to gaining confidence in a specific view and are willing to support the idea or model to the end. Martin Luther King Jr. motivated the people who gathered and amid the massive challenges that they faced they were willing to push on since they were committed towards developing the models set.
Public speaking is also an important tool in informing people about different aspects in the society. The best professors or lecturers in college and university are those with good public speaking skills. One gets the concepts and individual aspects that the professor aims to indicate and follows the details very well. Public speaking is important in giving details and taking others through the individual attributes that they want to develop or highlight in the system. It is therefore, impertinent to ensure that one develops these skills to give a detailed account of the underlying factors and models that are essential towards change in the systems accordingly (Stewart, 1997).
In history this is particularly important since it helps in developing the best basis and models towards understanding and developing the profession further through the evidence or data that has been collected. In conclusion, public speaking is an important facet in history as it creates a proper model towards understanding and articulating the individual changes in the society. As a professional in history one needs to develop the best basis and methods towards identifying and articulating the set structures that are mapped under set systems. Depending on the models adopted public speaking is important in motivating, informing and convincing others on a specific position or theory. Work CitedStewart, C. J. (1997).
Importance of Public Speaking in History. (2019, Apr 02). Retrieved from