Behind the Bolted Entrance: a Reflection on the Locked Door

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Updated: Oct 16, 2023
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In every society, in every age, there exists the concept of a door – a simple mechanism that creates separation. Doors offer both physical and metaphorical boundaries, serving as barriers to protect, divide, or conceal. Yet, among the numerous kinds of doors that we encounter in our daily lives, it is the locked door that often holds the most intrigue and prompts the most contemplation.

The locked door represents many things, most fundamentally a barrier. Physically, it provides security, keeping out intruders or protecting valuables.

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However, on a deeper level, locked doors symbolize the parts of our psyche or the chapters of our history that we keep hidden from the outside world. It’s the embodiment of a secret, a mystery waiting to be uncovered, or perhaps a challenge to be tackled. Just think of the numerous stories where a locked door plays a crucial role – from Bluebeard’s forbidden chamber to the whispered rumors surrounding Area 51. Locked doors beckon both caution and curiosity.

In literature and cinema, the locked door has been a potent symbol for various emotions and states of being. It often stands for opportunities yet to be seized or paths not taken. It might symbolize a personal, intimate space, where the deepest and truest versions of oneself are kept. Locked doors in gothic literature, for instance, might hide monsters, ghosts, or the darker aspects of humanity. On the other hand, in many fairy tales or adventure stories, the protagonist’s journey often involves unlocking a door, symbolizing personal growth or the victory of good over evil.

Yet, in real-life experiences, the emotions evoked by a locked door can be both powerful and contradictory. On the one hand, a locked door can bring a sense of security. In our homes, we lock our doors to feel safe, to ensure our privacy, and to have control over our personal space. On the other hand, standing before a locked door, especially unexpectedly, can bring feelings of exclusion, curiosity, or even anxiety. It can make one ponder: “What lies beyond? Why am I not granted access? What is being kept from me?”

As society has evolved, so too has the symbolism and function of the locked door. In today’s digital age, “locked doors” manifest in new forms. Now, we have passwords guarding our online data, encrypted messages, and firewalls. While these digital barriers don’t resemble traditional doors, they serve the same purpose – protecting what lies within. But like any locked door, they too can be a source of frustration, curiosity, and intrigue.

In contemplating the nature of locked doors, one cannot ignore the universal human response to them – the desire to unlock. This urge, whether driven by necessity, curiosity, or rebellion, underlines a fundamental human trait. We are explorers, seekers of knowledge, and challengers of boundaries. The locked door, in its silence, whispers a challenge to our innate sense of inquiry. And it’s a challenge many are willing to accept, either by searching for the key, picking the lock, or, at times, breaking the door down.

In summary, the locked door, in its myriad forms and representations, remains a powerful symbol in both our collective consciousness and our everyday lives. It represents not only barriers and boundaries but also the human spirit’s relentless pursuit to overcome, understand, and explore. It’s a reminder that for every obstacle, there’s a solution, and behind every locked door, there’s a story waiting to be discovered.

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Behind the Bolted Entrance: A Reflection on the Locked Door. (2023, Oct 16). Retrieved from