Attitude-Towards-the-Ad Model

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By surveying through the Attitude Towards the Ad Model, past examinations have indicated that customer perspectives are impacted through adverts, either emphatically or adversely (See Figure 1) (Batra & Ray, 1986; Cacioppo, Petty & Morris, 1983; MacKenzie, Lutz, & Belch, 1986; Moore & Hutchinson, 1983). Past researchers have different conclusion regarding analysis on customer perspective towards objectification of sex in ladies in ads in specific context (e.g. Infanger, Bosak & Sczesny, 2012; Pope, Voges & Brown, 2004; Severn, Belch & Belch, 1990; Vezich, Gunter & Liebermann, 2017). This research examination endeavors to comprehend customers perspective and their intention to buy towards commercials containing sexually objectifying content, which makes this model a proper choice for the logical framework.

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As examined, social effect is one perspective that has been appeared to impact customer perspectives and it is vital to strategize advertising plan (Boddewyn, 1991; D’Emilio & Freedman, 1988; LaTour & Henthorne, 1994; Sassatelli, 2007). LaTour and Henthorne (1994) discovered that since the good and moral perspective on society changes after some time, advertisers should dependably think about current society instead of the past. Likewise, Boddewyn (1991) alongside D’Emilio and Freedman (1988) contended that advertisements containing sexual typification could have been viable for a particular timeframe however may result in the opposite at some other point. Furthermore, Sassatelli (2007) commented that the predominant societal contrasts, as well as new social introductions and propensities, could be duplicated by the commercial.

Also in contemporary advertising, authenticity hold an vital role in the present society (Cornelis & Peter, 2017; Napoli et al., 2014; Schwabel, 2015; Ting, de Run & Jee, 2015). Be that as it may, sexism is to a great extent examined and ladies have picked up a higher social position than decades prior in the present setting. Thus, it very well may be argued that ads containing sexist context are not noted as credible by current customers. Different researchers have featured that authenticity is what customers looking for when content regarding advert are processed (Beverland, Lindgreen & Vink, 2008; Napoli et al., 2014; Rose & Wood, 2005). For instance, Aaker and Biel (1993) expressed that advertising defined a typical procedure towards branding alongside developing buying intent of customers. Likewise, Kapferer (2012) contends that buying intent is emphatically subject to advertising. According to discussions regarding roles of ladies in the social context and the longing of advertisement’s authentic element, buy expectation could be affected by the utilization of sexist content in advert. In addition, Aaker (1991) expressed that brand and commercial perspective of buyers can directly affect customer’s intent to buy an item. Furthermore, negative brand affiliations decline brand assessment and purchase goal, which can occur in a brief timeframe (Um, 2013). Thus, past writing found that customers place more consideration on negative than positive data (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993; Roper & Fill, 2012). Sexually typifying commercials inside current society might affect such negative affiliations. Since buyers are progressively unfavorable towards commercial that are not authentic, original as well as natural, a successful effect on customers’ intent of purchasing a product might be increasingly noteworthy in the present scene (Cornelis & Peter, 2017; Schwabel, 2015).

All in all, a potential relationship between Attitude-Towards-the-Ad alongside attitude as well as purchase intentions of purchasers toward the sexist ad are recognized. As indicated by Keller (1993), sentiments, past presumptions, communications are able to impact how customers perceive the ad. Therefore, we perceive that association among attitude, purchase intention of Malaysian buyers towards ads containing sexist content is present.


In summary, the independent variables of this study is sexist advertisement while the dependant variable of this study is consumers’ attitude towards sexist advertisement. Attitude Towards The Ad model will be used as the framework of this research study. Related issues on the research topic are discussed extensively. Besides, keywords such as Attitudes and Purchase Intent of Consumer towards Advertising, Sexual Objectification within Sexist Advertisements, Consumer Attitudes and Purchase Intent towards Sexist Advertisement, The Gender Perspective as well as Attitude-Towards-the-Ad Model are discussed by including evidence and explanation given by previous research.

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Attitude-Towards-the-Ad Model. (2021, Feb 26). Retrieved from