Smoke-Free Schools: Policy Implementation

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Tobacco use remains a significant preventable cause of mortality in the United States, with young adults aged 19-29 exhibiting a particularly high prevalence of smoking at 17% over a 30-day period, according to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (US) Office on Smoking and Health. Furthermore, high school students show a prevalence rate of 9%. Given these statistics, efforts to prevent smoking have understandably focused on the youth, utilizing mass media, school, and community settings to disseminate information.

Importance of Policy Implementation

The implementation of antismoking policies in schools is crucial for mitigating the introduction and use of tobacco products among students.

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These policies aim to counteract the attractive advertisements targeted at young people by tobacco companies. The effectiveness of these policies varies, largely depending on the approach and the affected demographic. While awareness is generally increased through these policies, the key to success lies in the strategic planning and execution of both individual and institutional initiatives.

From an early age, smoking behaviors can be influenced, as evidenced by the high prevalence rates among high school and college students. Addressing this issue requires robust policies, including a comprehensive ban on tobacco use by both staff and students on school premises. As Bach (2017) suggests, such policies help students perceive tobacco use as detrimental to their health and encourage them to view smoking as a critical health issue. These policies should be complemented with real-life examples of individuals who have overcome tobacco addiction, reinforcing the negative impact of smoking on one's life and health.

The Role of Schools in Shaping Perceptions

Schools play a vital role in the formative years of a child's life, serving as environments for social growth and development. Information introduced during these years can have a lasting impact. Tobacco companies, aware of this, often target this demographic through advertising campaigns that make smoking appear 'cool'. They may even sponsor school events under the guise of promoting anti-smoking messages, thus subtly influencing students' perceptions.

Incorporating antismoking policies into the school curriculum can effectively counteract these influences by educating students on the harmful effects of smoking. The role of these policies is not only to inform students about what they should and should not do but also to induce a healthy fear of smoking's consequences, encouraging abstinence. Programs like the Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE) are instrumental in this regard, providing funding and resources to local educational agencies for the development and implementation of prevention, intervention, and cessation programs.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the potential for positive impact, the tobacco industry continues to wield significant influence over the youth through strategic advertising and sponsorships. They often claim to support anti-smoking initiatives while simultaneously promoting their products. Independent school policies, which focus on educating students about the addictive nature of smoking, can effectively counter these industry tactics.

The success of antismoking policies is evident at both the individual and institutional levels. Policies that focus on changing students' perceptions of life, beyond the immediate effects of tobacco use, tend to have a broader impact. For instance, the 2002 Ontario Youth Smoking Survey found that students in schools with full smoking bans smoked fewer cigarettes than those in schools with partial or no bans.

Community and Institutional Involvement

Strong policies require cooperation between students and administration, with public participation playing a crucial role. When students are involved in the creation of antismoking policies, they are more likely to adhere to them, as they feel a sense of ownership and understanding. This collaborative process serves as an educational experience, teaching students about the consequences of smoking and the importance of abstinence.

The introduction of e-cigarettes presents a new challenge to existing policies. These products are marketed as modern and less harmful alternatives to traditional cigarettes, appealing to young people due to their sleek design and variety of flavors. However, like traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes have been found to have harmful effects. Policies must adapt to include these new products, emphasizing the importance of abstinence from all smoking forms.

Enhancing Awareness and Education

The teaching of antismoking policies in schools can lead to increased awareness among students, parents, and the wider community. Educators gain the ability to identify signs of addiction, while students learn to recognize peers who may be using tobacco products. This heightened awareness can lead to early intervention and support for those struggling with addiction.

Antismoking policies provide a framework for addressing the various factors that contribute to youth smoking. Despite the challenges posed by the tobacco industry and technological advancements in smoking products, these policies remain a critical tool in reducing smoking rates among adolescents. While some argue that educating students about tobacco could increase curiosity and experimentation, the evidence suggests that comprehensive education can significantly reduce smoking prevalence among the youth.

In conclusion, while antismoking policies in schools face numerous challenges, their potential to effect positive change is undeniable. By fostering cooperation between students, educators, and the community, these policies can create a supportive environment that discourages smoking and promotes healthy lifestyle choices.

Works Cited
Bach, Laura. “How schools can help students stay tobacco-free.” 2017,
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Evans-Whipp, Tracy J, et al. “The Impact of School Tobacco Policies on Student Smoking in Washington State, United States and Victoria, Australia.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI), 26 Mar. 2010.
Lovato, Chris Y., et al. “The Influence of School Policies on Smoking Prevalence Among Students in Grades 5-9, Canada, 2004-2005.” Preventing Chronic Disease, 2010,
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (US) Office on Smoking and Health. Preventing tobacco use among youth and young adults: A report of the surgeon general. 2012,
Pierce, John P., et al. “What public health strategies are needed to reduce smoking initiation?” Tobacco Control, vol. 21, no. 2, 2012, pp. 258-264,
Ulrich, Amanda. “E-Cigarettes Cloud Schools’ Anti-Smoking Policies.” Education Week, 29 July 2014, Accessed 16 Dec. 2018.

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Smoke-Free Schools: Policy Implementation. (2020, Feb 24). Retrieved from