An Analysis of the Violence, Racism and Sexism in the Schools of the United States

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What Can I Do to End Violence, Racism, and Sexism in My School Violence, racism, and sexism, some of the most used things in the school. These things should be stopped, and a group of people in a high school from New Jersey decided they had enough. This program none as E.R.A.S.E was started to abolish violence, racism, and sexism in schools. In 1992 these dedicated group of people set out to end these things. This program was then branched out to local, state, and now country wide to help more and more people and schools to stop the hate and promote social justice and prejudice in school communities.

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One subject they are trying to get rid of is violence. Violence is anything that proposes harm to someone, whether itis fighting, tripping, or pushing. It can be verbal or physical both being put downs to you. Violence can also be to school property as in graffiti or stealing. This is why it is hard to end it in schools. Since violence is physical and verbal assaulting people do not think that they should stop. People should realize that the people they are making fun of or hitting have feelings just like them and should not be made fun of. Mediation with the children who are doing this may let them know it is wrong to do what they are doing. Even though this might be hard to some stubborn people who think they donit have to listen to everyone, some may hear me and realize that violence is bad and violence should not be said or used on people because one person gets mad at someone.

Racism, another big problem in the schools. This is another issue for a person to solve which won?t be easy. People think that if someone is Iblackl or la Jewi it is okay to make fun of them. People think just because someone smells because that is the way their religion is it is okay to insult them. It is not okay and should not be tolerated by people. If someone is Polish they arenit any different from an Irish person. They both think the same and people donat have to make fun of them because they are not Irish like the other people. People also have little jokes about some nationalities like Polish people are stupid or Irish people drink alot. But fact is that some Polish people are very smart and some Irish people hate drinking. People should not judge a book by its cover and if someone is Jewish you donit automatically say he is cheap or is an idiot. People should give them a chance and they would find out that Jews are just the same as black people.

Sexism, almost just like racism but this is against ones sex. Sexism is ridiculing the opposite sex. People think in certain ways like women are secretaries and the men are the bosses, or men are the doctors and women are the nurses, but as we see in todayis world men are secretaries and some are nurses and women are the boss and some women are doctors. People should not think just because she is a women she canlt play sports only men can, but as we have seen the WNBA and the ABL have shown that women can play basketball just as good as the men. Also favoritism in class is another form of sexism. If their is a lady teacher and she always picks on girls and always yells at boys then she is sexist. Sexist people should learn their mistakes and correct them before it gets out of hand with lawsuits and more. I would have to tell them the consequences of doing this if they donit admit to doing it and then maybe they’ll come to their senses and stop it. With mediation many people can realize their mistakes.

Violence, racism, and sexism are used throughout the schools, and even though the truth is one person wonit make a big impact, groups like E.R.A.S.E and schools making goals to end this then the E.R.A.S.E dream may become a reality. With the help of everyone then all those subjects may just become just a figment of your imagination and all people will know is peace without violence, racism, and sexism in their schools. The schools will be alot saver for the children and the adults will feel that their kids wonit be subject to hearing it or even being a part of it.


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An Analysis of the Violence, Racism and Sexism in the Schools of the United States. (2022, Feb 12). Retrieved from