Path to Independence: the Journey of Emerging Adulthood

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Transitioning from adolescence to adulthood is a pivotal period in an individual's life, marked by a journey toward self-discovery, independence, and the formation of a personal identity. This phase, often referred to as "emerging adulthood," is characterized by newfound autonomy and the opportunity to challenge preconceived notions and beliefs instilled during childhood. My personal experiences growing up under my parents' roof, coupled with the anticipation of entering college, illustrate this transformative process. In this essay, I will explore how emerging adulthood serves as a critical stage for achieving greater independence and developing a distinct identity, drawing connections between personal anecdotes and broader societal observations.

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The Constraints of Childhood

Growing up, my parents were cautious and protective, a common scenario for many children around the world. They did not allow me to walk to school until I reached sixth grade, a decision motivated by their desire to ensure my safety. However, this lack of freedom often left me feeling restricted, as if my wings were clipped before I even had the chance to fly. The absence of independence during these formative years inadvertently delayed my maturity and self-sufficiency, two attributes that are essential for adulthood.

Even as I transitioned into high school, my life remained unchanged—a continuation of the same routine and restrictions. The predictability of my future, including the expectation of attending college, further insulated me from the realities of the working world. Unlike some peers who faced the prospect of entering the workforce immediately after high school, I did not feel the immediate pressure to mature and adapt to adult responsibilities. This sheltered upbringing, while comfortable, limited my exposure to diverse experiences and perspectives, thus delaying the development of a fully-formed personal identity.

The Promise of College

As I prepare to embark on my college journey, I am acutely aware of the transformative potential this phase holds. Arnett's concept of emerging adulthood suggests that it is during college and beyond that individuals truly begin to form their own identities and ideas. I wholeheartedly agree with this notion. College represents a significant milestone in my life, promising a level of autonomy and independence that I have not previously experienced. Being away from my parents' immediate influence will grant me the freedom to make my own decisions, set my own rules, and chart my own course.

In college, I will have the opportunity to immerse myself in a diverse environment, surrounded by individuals from various backgrounds and cultures. This exposure will allow me to challenge and, if necessary, redefine the values and beliefs I have held until now. The transition to college life is not just about academic pursuits; it is an opportunity to experience the world beyond the confines of my childhood home. I will have the chance to form my own opinions about the world and the people in it, ultimately sculpting my identity and becoming an individual in my own right.

Challenging Preconceived Notions

An essential aspect of emerging adulthood is the ability and willingness to question and challenge the beliefs that have been ingrained in us from a young age. While my parents' teachings will always be a part of me, true conviction arises from critically evaluating those beliefs. In challenging my current ideas, I can determine whether they genuinely resonate with me or if I should adopt new perspectives. This process of introspection and self-discovery is fundamental to becoming a well-rounded individual.

Furthermore, the notion that no one leaves high school knowing exactly who they are, what they believe in, and where they are heading in life underscores the importance of emerging adulthood. It is a period of exploration and experimentation, where individuals can test the waters of independence and self-expression. By embracing this phase, I can better understand my strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations, ultimately paving the way for a fulfilling and authentic life.


In conclusion, emerging adulthood is a critical stage in the journey toward independence and self-identity formation. My personal experiences growing up under my parents' watchful eye, coupled with the anticipation of entering college, illustrate the significance of this transformative period. While my upbringing may have been sheltered, it has provided me with a strong foundation upon which to build my future. As I embark on this new chapter, I am eager to embrace the opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and autonomy that await me. By challenging preconceived notions and exploring new experiences, I am confident that I will emerge as a more mature and self-assured individual, ready to navigate the complexities of adulthood.

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Path to Independence: The Journey of Emerging Adulthood. (2022, Jun 27). Retrieved from