An Analysis of John Gatto’s “Against School”

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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John Taylor Gatto, who’s well-known as a teacher and writer, takes a hard look at the American education system in his essay “Against School.” Using stories from his own life, historical facts, and some deep thoughts, Gatto says our schools kill creativity, push everyone to be the same, and don’t really help kids grow intellectually or personally. This essay will dig into Gatto’s main points, see if his evidence holds up, and talk about what his critique means for today’s education practices.

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Gatto’s Critique of the School System

Gatto kicks off by saying the school system we have is broken at its core. He thinks schools are more about making obedient citizens than independent thinkers. He brings up historical figures like H.L. Mencken and Alexander Inglis to back up his point, saying schools are designed to create a population that’s easy to control. This is a pretty big claim and goes against the common belief that schools are good for everyone. Instead, Gatto suggests they have hidden motives tied to social control.

The Historical Context

A strong part of Gatto’s essay is how he sets his critique in a historical setting. He traces back compulsory schooling to the Prussian model, which the U.S. took up in the 1800s. This model was all about obedience and sameness, which Gatto believes clashes with democratic values. By putting his arguments in this historical light, Gatto makes a strong case that the problems in education today aren’t new. They’ve been there since the start.

The Role of Teachers and Students

Gatto also looks at what teachers and students are supposed to do in this traditional system. He thinks teachers often end up as just rule-followers who can’t really inspire or engage their students. And students? They’re seen as passive receivers of info, not active learners. Gatto says this setup not only makes education worse but also stops kids from developing critical thinking and self-reliance.

Personal Anecdotes and Practical Implications

In his essay, Gatto shares personal stories from his teaching days to back up his arguments. He talks about times when kids did really well when they were allowed to follow their own interests, away from the strict curriculum. These stories make his critique more relatable and show the possible good outcomes of a different kind of education. Gatto’s experiences hint that a more flexible, student-focused approach could be more meaningful and effective.

Broader Implications and Contemporary Relevance

Gatto’s critique goes beyond just classrooms and touches on bigger societal issues. By pushing conformity and obedience, the current school system might be making people more passive and less likely to question authority. This is a big deal for democratic societies, which need informed and active citizens. Gatto’s points are especially relevant now, in a world that’s changing fast, where critical thinking and adapting to new info are super important.


John Gatto’s “Against School” is a deep dive into the big problems with the traditional education system. He questions the usual roles of teachers and students and digs into the historical roots of compulsory schooling. Gatto makes a strong case for rethinking and changing how we do education. His essay not only points out what’s wrong with the current system but also suggests a more dynamic, student-centered way of learning. As our society keeps changing, Gatto’s insights are still important for teachers, policymakers, and anyone who cares about the future of education.

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An Analysis of John Gatto's "Against School". (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from