Alcohol One of the Oldest and most Common Recreational Substances

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Groups like Alcoholics Anonymous reach out to those affected by addiction to alcohol and help its members to stay sober and provide guidance to others in need of advice on achieving sobriety. Considering that alcoholism is viewed as a disease or illness, I think the government should offer more treatments and therapy to those who find themselves in legal trouble due to alcohol-related charges. Sure, the signs that read “DWI: You can’t afford it,” are not joking. If you think about it, putting down a payment on a house, buying a car, or even an extremely rare guitar are far better options for spending $10,000 than paying for a D.

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W.I. However, I’ve met people who have more than one of these on their record, some even up to three or more.

The high price should make people think twice before going out on a Saturday night for a few drinks. Maybe they should consider hiring a designated driver or a taxi for the trip home because, undoubtedly, you do not want to get tangled up in this financial, emotional, and time-consuming ordeal.

The dangers of driving under the influence remain a significant problem society contends with. This violation of the penal code can result in consequences ranging from deadly accidents to hefty fines and prison time. I read somewhere that in 2013, in the state of Texas alone, there were over 25,000 alcohol-related accidents resulting in over 1,000 deaths. It raises the question of the measures taken to prevent repeat offenders from drinking and driving again. Thankfully, the legal system has found ways to tackle these offenders, although the methods keep changing from year to year. Unfortunately, some people don’t even blink at the heavy fines or long probation periods, failing to see the gravity of their problem. For instance, Arizona, which has the strictest DUI laws, requires first-time offenders to install an ignition interlock device in their vehicles for a minimum of one year. However, for some, they cannot see the seriousness of their actions because their addiction blinds them.

Considering that alcoholism is considered to be a disease or illness, makes me think that the government should help the people that get in trouble with charges related to alcohol with more treatments and therapy, sure, they don’t joke when you read on the signs that say “D.W.I. You can’t afford it” if you think about it putting down a payment on a house, buying a car or an extremely rare guitar are way better options to spend $10,000 than paying for a D.W.I. but, I’ve met people that got more than one of those in their record, some up to three or more.

The high price to pay should make people think a little bit more before going out on a Saturday night to have a couple of drinks and maybe consider getting a designated driver or taxi for the way back home because definitively you do not want to get tangled up with this financial, emotional and time-wasting debt.

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Alcohol One of The Oldest and Most Common Recreational Substances. (2021, Apr 08). Retrieved from