Public Health Message Effectiveness

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Did you know that almost 20 percent of adults in the United States smoke cigarettes? This statistic highlights a significant public health challenge, as smoking is one of the most preventable leading causes of death worldwide. The anti-smoking advertisement "Stay in Control" by The Real Cost campaign frequently appears on our televisions and social media platforms, aiming to educate viewers about the deadly effects of tobacco use through shocking images and vivid videos. The advertisement I have chosen to analyze is a particularly striking one: it features a high school girl signing a paper that reads, "I relinquish part of my freedom to you," which then transforms into a cigarette she begins to smoke.

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This advertisement effectively uses emotional and logical appeals through its imagery and implied meanings. By employing these strategies, the advertisement conveys an evocative sense of danger and educates viewers on the lethal nature of smoking.

Emotional Appeal

The creators of the advertisement first appeal to the audience's emotions by using dull colors. These muted tones create a somber mood, suggesting that the decision to smoke is a critical life-or-death choice. The young woman in the advertisement is depicted looking down with a neutral expression, making the message more direct and impactful for viewers. The cigarette starts as a long contract, symbolizing that the young woman is relinquishing her freedom to cigarettes if she chooses to smoke. This imagery is designed to grab the audience's attention, as the notion of signing one's life away is a frightening concept that resonates deeply, especially in the United States, where freedom is a core value. The idea of giving up control over one's life is a powerful message, suggesting that smoking equates to forfeiting one's autonomy. The audience is left feeling both intrigued and unsettled by the notion of someone willingly signing away their rights and freedom.

Logical Appeal

The advertisement also employs logical appeals to persuade viewers. The central premise is that smoking is detrimental to one's health—a widely accepted fact in many contemporary societies, including the United States, where smoking is seen as harmful and undesirable. This contrasts with earlier times when smoking was more socially acceptable. The minor premise is that smoking a cigarette equates to signing away one's freedom, as depicted by the transformation of the cigarette into a contract. This visual metaphor reinforces the common knowledge of the harm cigarettes cause, allowing viewers to conclude that smoking limits personal freedom. The statement "I relinquish my freedom to you," written on the cigarette, underscores this message, inspiring people to reconsider their smoking habits. The advertisement implies that continued smoking is akin to signing an invisible contract, surrendering control over one's life.

Audience Impact

The advertisement aims to elicit a response from both smokers and non-smokers, albeit in different ways. For non-smokers, the advertisement may reinforce their aversion to smoking and highlight its harmful effects, or they might remain indifferent if they feel it does not impact their lives. However, the advertisement is likely to have a more significant impact on those who smoke. It serves as a stark reminder of the harm they are inflicting on their bodies. Yet, many smokers may dismiss the advertisement, as they are already aware of the dangers but continue to smoke due to addiction or indifference. Some smokers might find the advertisement unpleasant or clichéd, feeling personally attacked for their choices and habits. In American society, smoking is often viewed negatively, which may cause smokers to distance themselves from advertisements that challenge their beliefs.


In conclusion, the advertisement featuring a young woman and the cigarette contract utilizes emotional and logical appeals to convey a powerful, albeit controversial, message. Despite being hindered by certain biases and a lack of precise language, the straightforward message that smoking is detrimental to one's health remains clear in The Real Cost's "Stay in Control" commercial. Smoking remains prevalent worldwide, as do anti-smoking campaigns. This ongoing conflict between differing ideologies fuels a never-ending battle between cigarette smokers and anti-smoking advocates. Through its poignant imagery and compelling argument, the advertisement serves as a reminder of the importance of making informed choices about one's health and autonomy.

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Public Health Message Effectiveness. (2020, Apr 05). Retrieved from