About some Problems in our Higher Education System

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Updated: Dec 02, 2022
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In Brent Staples’ article “Why Colleges Shower Their Students with A’s” he highlights how America’s higher education system has been an image of depreciation since the arrival of private institutes. With growing competition posed by private institutes, and increasing demands of students for better grades, colleges have been lowering their standards by showing clemency in the grading process. The main focal point of the article is the management of colleges and universities. This persuasive piece of writing by Staples uncovers a concern that has been infesting our higher education system.

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Colleges today are more eager about increasing their consumership while students are rather more concerned with getting easy A’s.

The information the author used to establish his arguments is to the point, concise and enough to persuade the reader. Despite a lack of much needed reference or verification, the reliability and quality of his work is convincing enough. The information given is up to date and still applicable to current day situation. The author has delivered this article in a fairly simple way; most of the terminologies used are simple and easy to understand, so there was no need to define any term that might be difficult.

The author has used a formal yet simple language that is appropriate to the serious nature of the topic. There is no unnecessary use of big fancy words that might distract a reader from the intended purpose of the article. The persuasive writing style shows fairness in his work because he considers both sides of the argument and develops his points around them. The Article as a whole has been properly organized with individual paragraphs having proper organization. In this manner the author has established such points that one cannot stop agreeing with.

This article centers on such a significant topic that is still hounding our educational system. People are well aware of the reasons and repercussions of awarding straight A’s, yet no one is willing to change the process. Indeed, as the author said, the diplomas will keep losing their value and will be left with ornamental purpose only. The ultimate strength of this article is the author’s straightforward style by which he has boldly highlighted all the issues. The only weakness with the article is a lack of proper and more scholarly references that could’ve helped him with credibility. Overall, Staples’ work is an eye opener for every person who has any conscience left. 

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About Some Problems In Our Higher Education System. (2022, Jun 20). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/about-some-problems-in-our-higher-education-system/