A Research on Religion

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On the surface, the book of Ruth appears to be the story of a young girl who thought she had it all, and then one day, had nothing, but then once again, is saved by Prince Charming. Every girl’s dream right? But when we dig a little deeper, it becomes evident that this book is more than just a love story between a man and a woman, but a picture of redemption. Ruth the Moabite marries, loses her husband, and then devotes her life to following her mother-in-all to ensure that she is well taken care of.

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In the days after Ruth’s husband had passed, Ruth spent her time graining leftovers in fields, doing whatever she could to ensure that herself and her mother-in-law were taken care of. Surely, this was not the fairytale life that Ruth had dreamed of for herself. There had to have been a point in time when Ruth thought to herself, “Why has this happened to me? What have I done to deserve this and when will my hardships come to an end? What more can I do to to make sure that my life is taken care of?”

I am sure at some point in all of our lives, we have felt the same way that Ruth might have been feeling. We have probably all reached a point when we didn’t know if we could do anymore. We’ve wondered why our circumstances appeared to be harder than those around us, and have come up with many plans that we thought would for sure be the answer to our problems. Sometimes our works do seem to get us through, just as Ruth’s were for herself and Naomi, but our works can’t last forever, just as Ruth’s couldn’t. At some point, something or someone is going to redeem us right? What is the answer to our solution?

In the three previous chapters of the book of Ruth, we learn about Ruth’s circumstances after her husband passes, how she works to take care of them herself, and how she eventually meets a man named Boaz. Boaz at first just appears to be a kind man who is willing to take care of Ruth and Naomi, but we later find out that the meeting of the two isn’t just mere coincidence! Naomi tells Ruth in chapter two that Boaz is actually a close relative of theirs, and in fact, is one of their guardian redeemers!

Could this be the answer to all of Ruth’s problems? Possibly, especially since when Boaz finds out of his position, he is more than willing to take in Ruth and her family, but there’s one catch.. There is someone closer related to their family than Boaz and he first gets to decide if he is going to purchase the land of and marry Ruth. When we pick up in chapter 4, Boaz is presenting him the idea.

Guardian Redeemer: A guardian redeemer was a close relative to whom a family could turn to in need of help, especially in regard to buying back lost land or providing for a dead relative. Okay, spoiler alert. In this last chapter of the book of Ruth, we see that the Moabite is redeemed by Boaz. The heading in your Bible most likely tells you this, but if you keep reading past that, the full story of redemption unfolds.

In these verses, it appears that a Divine appointment brings together Boaz and the first redeemer, in front of what was essentially a courthouse or town hall. In front of many witnesses, Boaz sits down the redeemer and explains to him the current situation with Ruth. He tells him that if he will redeem Ruth’s land, then he should, but if not, then Boaz himself will. Now, Boaz would have done this out of the kindness of his heart regardless, but in reality, they are basically the only two options.

We’ll come back to these, so don’t forget them, but continuing on, the first redeemer hears the offer and decides that he’ll redeem the land. Boaz then throws in that with the land, comes Ruth. Hearing this, the redeemer backs out of the deal and explains that this might damage his own estate. He then tells Boaz that he can go ahead and redeem the land, and with the land, Ruth.

So it turns out, the first redeemer came with a condition. As long as Ruth was in the picture, the first redeemer was not a true option. He would only redeem the land according to his own standards. Boaz on the other hand would redeem the land, regardless of what came with it.

By this point in the study, you might be able to guess that in our story of redemption, the first redeemer is the law. Initially there to redeem, but you two just don’t work out. The first redeemer isn’t bad, but you just don’t live up to what he wants. Boaz, can be compared to Jesus Christ. When the first redeemer decided he couldn’t save Ruth, Boaz was there all along. He could save her, and he took everything necessary to make sure it was accomplished. It’s a beautiful picture in itself, but there’s more.

Okay, so what’s all this talk about sandals? Well, back in the day, in order for these kind of deals to become official, there was often a sandal exchange. It’s kind of like checking “I Accept These Terms and Conditions” (Even though, let’s be honest, you don’t even know what the terms and conditions are.) Once you check that box, there’s no going back, but don’t worry, these guys knew what they were doing when they handed over their sandals. With the exchange though, things changed.

As soon as the first redeemer handed over his sandal, he no longer had the power to save Ruth. Boaz is now the only means of salvation for Ruth. The first redeemer can no longer save her, just as the law is no longer a means of redemption for us! But just because we’re told this truth does not mean that we always live according to it. There are times when we all run back to the law. We, for whatever reason, try to convince ourselves that there is redemption in our works, but there isn’t! We can’t forget about the ten witnesses! They were there for a reason. Through the witnesses, the law was fulfilled and we are reminded of the exchange.

The book of Ruth ends with a genealogy of David. If we’re all being completely honest with ourselves, we have probably skipped over a genealogy a time or two while reading the Bible, but when we stop and look at it, we see that it all comes full circle, to our one and only redemption in life, Jesus Christ.

I thank you for your Word and that we get the opportunity to study it..For the fact that everything leads back to you. Jesus, you are our only means of redemption. I rejoice in that fact, that because of who You are and your redemptive work on the cross, that Lord, I no longer have to strive, I am no longer bound, Lord that you have set me free. Lord I pray that everyday I realize the depth of my sin and depravity, but that you continue to open my heart and my eyes to the fact that you have taken that from me. God, that you love me so much, that you took it from me.

I pray Lord that you soften my heart to this truth and that I choose you, daily, over my bondage. Let there be nothing Lord, standing in between the two of us and the true joy and fulfillment that you continuously offer. Jesus, thank you again, for who You are, for what You have done in my life, and all that you will continue to do. Lord, make me more like You. In Your Name I pray, Amen.

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A Research On Religion. (2019, Aug 29). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/a-research-on-religion/