A Franciscan Value is Respect for the Dignity of each Person and the Manifestation of Kindness

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A Franciscan Value is Respect for the Dignity of each Person and the Manifestation of Kindness

This essay will discuss the Franciscan value of respecting each person’s dignity and showing kindness. It will explore the origins of this value in Franciscan teaching, its application in various aspects of life, and its relevance in today’s society. On PapersOwl, there’s also a selection of free essay templates associated with Christianity.

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Throughout this semester, our theology class revolved around the Franciscan Values and how these values played a part in the lives of St. Francis and Clare. The Franciscan Values are as follows: Revere the unique dignity of each person, encourage a trustful, prayerful community of learners, serve one another, society, and the Church, foster peace and justice, and last but not least, respect creation. Now, before we go on to explain how these Franciscan Values are involved with St. Francis and Clare, I will explain what each value means.

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The first Franciscan value is revering the unique dignity of each person. This value is defined as the belief that every person is made in the image of God, which means that every life is sacred, and all people are worthy of respect, no matter who they are or where they live. We are called to care for all human life. Some examples of creating a caring community include respecting each person’s dignity and offering hospitality, courtesy, kindness, and friendship. Some examples of showing compassion include serving and caring for the poor and oppressed, working for justice, taking responsible social action, and offering unselfish advice. Some examples of making peace include forgiving each other, healing and reconciling, resolving conflicts, and promoting non-violence. Some examples of reverencing all creation include fostering a simple lifestyle and being responsible for preserving the environment and respecting all creatures.

Followers of Francis dedicated themselves to serving the poor, living according to the Gospel of Jesus, relating to all persons as brothers and sisters, and recognizing God's presence within themselves and in all creation. Francis and Clare dedicated their lives to creating love and respect in their community. They truly believed that genuineness could build and nurture open, honest friendships. Francis and Clare’s vision was for everyone to be equal, no matter where they came from or what they looked like. Clare and Francis had an unconditional respect for men and women, in which they would call others their brothers and sisters to show their love and kindness towards everyone they encountered. Some examples of Clare’s respect and love for others include her desire to be called Sister rather than Abbess in order to be one with the sisters, and her determination to never judge others who needed more than they had.

People would seek Clare’s counselling because her hospitality drew people towards her, involving people of all ranks. Examples of Francis’ respect and love include his encounter with a leper and his meeting with the Sultan, during which he affirmed his faith in Allah. Reflecting on the five Franciscan Values, I could approach my family and friends with all of these values. I do accept the uniqueness of each individual I encounter and encourage everyone to be exactly who they are, without fear or worry. I also stress the importance of trust within my community and the necessity of helping one another. Fostering peace and justice is essential to living in the best way possible. Serving one another and our society is a way of life, as is respecting every creation. I also use these values in my workplace, as a server in a restaurant. As I continue my education at the University of St. Francis and incorporate these values into my daily life, I can see myself carrying these values with me forever.

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A Franciscan Value Is Respect for the Dignity of Each Person and the Manifestation of Kindness. (2022, Aug 26). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/a-franciscan-value-is-respect-for-the-dignity-of-each-person-and-the-manifestation-of-kindness/