A Deal with Darkness: Analyzing ‘The Devil and Tom Walker’

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Updated: Oct 16, 2023
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Washington Irving’s “The Devil and Tom Walker” is a captivating tale that delves into the consequences of making deals with the devil, human greed, and the ultimate price of ambition. The story, set in New England in the early 18th century, is a classic representation of the American Gothic genre, which often showcases the dark, supernatural, and mysterious elements of American society.

The narrative revolves around Tom Walker, an avaricious man who, when presented with the prospect of untold riches, doesn’t hesitate to strike a perilous bargain with the devil.

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The devil, represented as a dark-skinned man bearing the title ‘Old Scratch’, offers Tom the buried treasure of Captain Kidd, a notorious pirate, in exchange for something of great importance. While the specific terms of this deal are somewhat obfuscated initially, it becomes clear that the devil desires Tom’s soul. In a chilling reflection of human nature, Tom’s immediate hesitation isn’t due to the moral implications of such an exchange, but rather the thought of sharing the wealth with his equally greedy wife.

One of the story’s strengths lies in its exploration of human desires and the lengths one might go to achieve them. Tom, despite understanding the grim implications, ultimately accepts the devil’s terms, which entail him using the treasure to become a usurer and exploit the desperation of others. His new-found profession allows Irving to comment on societal greed and the corrupting nature of wealth. Through Tom’s interactions with his clients, we witness the degeneration of a community where everyone is driven by self-interest.

However, as the narrative unfolds, we see the inevitable consequences of Tom’s decisions. Irving weaves a tale of moral degradation where Tom’s insatiable greed distances him from any form of human connection or spirituality. His wife, hoping to strike her own deal with Old Scratch, disappears under mysterious circumstances, leaving behind only a heart and liver tied up in her apron. Yet, even this grisly discovery doesn’t deter Tom from his path, further highlighting his moral decay.

Irving’s portrayal of the devil is particularly noteworthy. Old Scratch isn’t just a sinister being lurking in the shadows but is depicted as a figure of consequence, a force that holds individuals accountable for their actions. While he is undoubtedly malevolent, there’s an undercurrent of justice in his dealings. Those who agree to his terms, driven by their own greed or desperation, face outcomes they’ve essentially chosen for themselves.

As Tom grows older, the realization of his impending damnation becomes more pronounced. In an ironic twist, he becomes overtly religious, attending church not out of genuine faith but as a way to protect himself from the devil. His hypocritical attempts at redemption only serve to emphasize the depth of his moral descent.

The climax of the story serves as a stark reminder of the inescapable repercussions of one’s actions. Despite his desperate attempts to evade his fate, Tom is eventually claimed by Old Scratch. His material gains, which once seemed so valuable, are revealed to be transitory and ultimately worthless.

“The Devil and Tom Walker” stands out not just as an engaging tale but as a profound commentary on human nature, societal values, and the inevitable consequences of one’s choices. Irving masterfully uses the story to question the true value of material wealth and the lengths individuals might go to attain it, leaving readers to ponder the true cost of their own desires.

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A Deal with Darkness: Analyzing 'The Devil and Tom Walker'. (2023, Oct 16). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/a-deal-with-darkness-analyzing-the-devil-and-tom-walker/