Should Homework be Required

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Updated: Dec 07, 2024
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Should Homework be Required

This essay will argue for the permanent ban of homework, presenting reasons why it may be detrimental to students’ learning and well-being. It will discuss the impact of excessive homework on students’ stress levels, family time, and extracurricular activities. The piece will explore alternative education models that emphasize in-class learning and holistic development, and will present evidence from studies and educational theories supporting the argument against homework. Additionally, PapersOwl presents more free essays samples linked to Homework.

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Homework: an absolute nightmare for many students. While it might seem like a harmless chore during the early years of schooling, its impact becomes more pronounced as students grow older. The question arises: should homework be required in schools? This essay argues that homework often has detrimental effects on students, leading to unnecessary stress and health issues, which is why it should be reconsidered or eliminated altogether. Harmful Effects on Young Minds

Homework is often seen as a tool to reinforce learning, yet its detrimental effects on young students are often overlooked.

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Staying up late, surrounded by scattered papers and fueled by caffeine, is not an uncommon scene for many students. As students transition from elementary school to middle and high school, the volume of homework increases dramatically. According to a 2013 study conducted by Stanford University, excessive homework in high-achieving communities results in heightened stress levels, physical health problems, and a lack of balance in students' lives. This imbalance can lead to feelings of alienation from society. The excessive time spent on homework, particularly when it involves repetitive tasks like solving 50-100 math problems, often becomes mere busy work rather than meaningful practice.

Counterproductive Academic Outcomes

Research from Sydney University in Australia highlights an alarming trend: too much homework can lead to boredom and unhappiness, resulting in no significant academic advancement. Dr. Richard Walker of Sydney University's Education Faculty noted in The Telegraph that in countries where students spend more time on homework, their achievement levels tend to be lower. This counterproductive outcome challenges the very purpose of homework. Should homework be required if it is reversing its intended benefits? Furthermore, sleep is a critical component of health and well-being. A lack of adequate sleep due to homework overload can lead to serious issues, as illustrated by pediatric sleep expert Craig Canapari. He recounts the case of a 16-year-old student who struggled with insomnia due to late-night homework sessions. Such examples underscore the need to reevaluate the necessity and volume of homework assigned to students.

Impact on Sleep and Well-being

The consequences of sleep deprivation are severe, affecting mood, motivation, and overall mental health. The overload of homework has transformed the personalities of many students, deviating from its original, positive intent. While practice is undoubtedly beneficial for mastering a subject, the harms of excessive homework, such as potential illnesses and chronic sleep deprivation, far outweigh these benefits. Instead of burdening students with endless hours of homework, extending school hours slightly could provide more time for in-class learning with teacher guidance. This approach could reduce the need for excessive homework while still ensuring students grasp the material.

Conclusion: Rethinking Homework

To conclude, the reasons for abolishing or significantly reducing homework in schools are compelling. The excessive time it consumes, its often redundant nature, and its contribution to sleep deprivation are significant concerns. Should homework be required when it poses such risks to students' well-being and future health? It is evident that the current approach to homework has strayed from its original purpose, leading to numerous problems. Removing or reforming homework practices could allow students more time to engage in hobbies, enjoy family time, and pursue interests outside of academia. By addressing these issues, we can create a more balanced and enriching educational experience for students, ensuring that their academic journey is both beneficial and sustainable.

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Should Homework Be Required. (2021, Apr 26). Retrieved from