The Role of Fighting in Modern Hockey

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The dynamic sport of hockey is often associated with its fast pace and intense physicality, elements that have captivated fans worldwide for decades.

Among these elements, fighting has been a controversial yet integral part of the game. While critics argue for its removal, suggesting it endangers players' safety, proponents assert that fighting is a crucial component of the sport that enhances its excitement and even enforces safety through self-regulation. This essay explores the multifaceted role of fighting in hockey, examining its declining prevalence, impact on player safety, and evolving nature within the league.

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Declining Prevalence

Despite the longstanding tradition of fighting in hockey, statistics indicate that its occurrence is on a steady decline. According to data compiled by "," the 2001-2002 NHL season witnessed 803 fights across 1,230 games, with fights occurring in 42.2% of games. Fast forward to the 2017-2018 season, the number of fights had dwindled to 280, taking place in only 17.86% of games despite an increased total of 1,271 games. This trend suggests that fighting is naturally phasing out of the game, negating the need for an outright ban as it becomes less prevalent.

Impact on Player Safety

A significant aspect of the debate around fighting in hockey is its supposed contribution to brain injuries. However, research indicates that fighting accounts for only a small portion of such injuries. Dr. Ruben Echemendia, former president of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, asserts that there's insufficient evidence linking fighting to the majority of brain injuries in hockey. A Canadian study by Donaldson, Cusimano, and Asbridge further supports this, revealing that hitting, rather than fighting, is the primary cause of concussions. Their research across NHL and OHL games found that while concussions occur at a rate of 8.8 per 100 NHL games, only a minuscule fraction results from fighting. In contrast, legal and illegal hits account for the majority of these injuries. This evidence suggests that addressing dangerous hits would be a more effective strategy for enhancing player safety than eliminating fighting.

Evolving Role and Skills of Enforcers

The role of enforcers, players traditionally known for their fighting prowess, is also evolving. Historically, enforcers like Chris "Knuckles" Nilan accumulated penalty minutes far exceeding their game totals. However, modern enforcers now blend physicality with skill, contributing significantly to their teams' success. Players like Tom Wilson, Pat Maroon, and Milan Lucic exemplify this trend, balancing their roles as protectors with impressive scoring records. For instance, Maroon's 27 goals in the 2016-17 season were pivotal in aiding the Edmonton Oilers' playoff run. Similarly, Wilson, despite suspensions for aggressive hits, has proven to be a reliable scorer, while Lucic has amassed nearly 500 career points alongside his physical contributions. This shift reflects a broader change within the league, where enforcers are expected to be versatile players who can impact the game beyond fighting.

Fighting as a Self-Regulation Mechanism

One of the most compelling arguments for retaining fighting in hockey is its role in self-regulation. Players and coaches often view fighting as a form of capital punishment that deters dangerous plays and protects star players. Enforcers like Ryan Reaves exemplify this protective role. When traded to the Pittsburgh Penguins, Reaves received support from star player Sidney Crosby, who valued his presence for the confidence and safety he provided. Fighting serves to de-escalate potential retaliatory violence by allowing players to address grievances directly and immediately. This self-policing mechanism helps maintain the game's flow and reduces the risk of escalating dangerous plays. The 2011 NHLPA and CBC poll, revealing that 98% of players opposed abolishing fighting, underscores its perceived importance among those within the sport.


In conclusion, the debate over fighting in hockey is complex and multifaceted. While its frequency is declining, fighting remains an integral part of the game's culture, serving as both an entertainment element and a self-regulation mechanism. Research indicates that addressing dangerous hits, rather than eliminating fighting, would more effectively enhance player safety. Additionally, the evolving role of enforcers, who now blend toughness with skill, demonstrates the adaptability of players within the league. Fighting, like the stuffing at Thanksgiving, may not be essential to the game, but its absence would undeniably alter the traditional fabric of hockey. As the sport continues to evolve, the nuanced role of fighting should be considered within the broader context of player safety, game integrity, and fan engagement.

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The Role of Fighting in Modern Hockey. (2019, Sep 14). Retrieved from