What Makes a Good Movie

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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For the last century or so, cinema has been one of the most widely used forms of entertainment in society, with a myriad of films on stage every year with the same energy as popcorn kernels in a hot skillet.

The ever-growing array of cinematic possibilities makes the process of choosing evening entertainment even more confusing, as many viewers use recommendations when choosing. Such recommendations may come from user-generated websites, critically published reviews, or platforms that combine the two.

But does the opinion of a respected film critic match that of the average moviegoer? Can we rely on the voice of a critic to influence our entertainment choices?

Have you ever wondered what a movie is? This is a seemingly trivial question, but you can’t answer it right away.

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And the answer, meanwhile, is quite simple. A film is a story told using specific means of cinematography.

History is the keyword. Any film is a story. Any story can be interesting or boring. And thus, we come to the first criterion for evaluating the film. A good film must have an interesting plot. And for a bad one, accordingly, the plot is not interesting.

Another question – what, in fact, is an interesting plot? The answer is also obvious – this is a plot that attracts our attention, makes us follow its development at least for a while, forgetting about everything else.

And a very good plot does not let go even after the end of the story, forcing us to think: “what happened next?”, Empathize and experience strong emotions. And, by the way, people watch films precisely in order to experience strong emotions.

For the last century or so, cinema has been one of the most widely used forms of entertainment in society, with a myriad of films on stage every year with the same energy as popcorn kernels in a hot skillet.

The ever-growing array of cinematic possibilities makes the process of choosing evening entertainment even more confusing, as many viewers use recommendations when choosing. Such recommendations may come from user-generated websites, critically published reviews, or platforms that combine the two.

But does the opinion of a respected film critic match that of the average moviegoer? Can we rely on the voice of a critic to influence our entertainment choices?

Critics responded more favorably to documentaries and classics, while viewers gave more preference to the genres “Faith and Spirituality” and “Children and Family”.

From a theoretical point of view, this makes sense. Some might argue that The Classics of the film world meets the necessary criteria to be considered high-quality cinematic, but perhaps less accessible to more casual viewers.

“Family” films, on the other hand, can serve the purpose of entertaining viewers looking for a simple film to watch with children, without using the various cinematic techniques required to achieve cinematic glory.

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What Makes A Good Movie. (2021, Jul 07). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/what-makes-a-good-movie/