Psychological Motivations of Chris McCandless

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Psychological Motivations of Chris McCandless

This essay will delve into the character of Chris McCandless, as portrayed in Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild.” It will explore McCandless’s motivations for abandoning his conventional life, his journey into the Alaskan wilderness, and his philosophical beliefs. The piece will analyze different perspectives on McCandless, ranging from admiration of his ideals to criticism of his choices. At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to Chris Mccandless.

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The narrative of Chris McCandless, as chronicled by Jon Krakauer in Into The Wild, offers a compelling exploration of a young man's quest for meaning beyond material wealth and societal expectations. Hailing from a well-to-do family in Virginia, McCandless, also known by his adopted moniker Alexander Supertramp, abandoned the comforts of an upper-middle-class lifestyle to embark on a journey into the wilderness. This essay seeks to analyze the character of Chris McCandless, arguing that he was not an imprudent adventurer but rather a highly intelligent and resourceful individual driven by a distinctive worldview.

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Intelligence and Resourcefulness

Chris McCandless's journey into the Alaskan wilderness was not a reckless escapade undertaken by a foolhardy individual. Instead, it was a carefully considered endeavor by someone who possessed significant intelligence and resourcefulness. Surviving for 113 days in the harsh Alaskan environment is a testament to his ingenuity and adaptability. Equipped with minimal supplies—basic clothing, personal care items, a tent, essential camping supplies, a small selection of his favorite books, ten pounds of rice, and a used rifle—McCandless demonstrated an ability to make do with limited resources. His survival for such an extended period, underprepared by conventional standards, underscores his capability to endure and adapt in challenging conditions. For instance, his use of the abandoned bus as a shelter and his attempts to find food sources reveal his strategic approach to survival. His story is a reminder that intelligence is not solely academic but also practical and situational.

Work Ethic and Determination

In addition to his intelligence, McCandless possessed a remarkable work ethic, a quality that set him apart from many of his contemporaries. During his travels, he took on various jobs to support himself, one of which was at a grain elevator. His employer, as mentioned in Krakauer's book, noted McCandless as the hardest worker he had ever encountered. Unlike many other hitchhikers who were indifferent and unwilling to exert effort, McCandless approached every task with diligence and an unwavering sense of responsibility. He tackled physically demanding tasks, such as removing rotten grain and dead rats, with a level of determination and moral commitment that is rare. This dedication to hard work reflects a broader philosophical stance that valued personal growth and the satisfaction derived from labor, distinguishing him from a society that often prioritizes convenience over effort.

Philosophical and Political Views

Chris McCandless's motivations were not solely derived from a desire for adventure; they were deeply rooted in his philosophical and political beliefs. His mother, Billie McCandless, noted his disdain for the materialism and privilege he observed among his peers at Emory University. His academic pursuits increasingly focused on pressing global issues, including racism, world hunger, and economic inequality. Politically, McCandless cannot be easily categorized; while he admired Ronald Reagan, his overarching belief in minimal governmental intervention aligns with Thoreau's philosophy of civil disobedience. This ideological complexity suggests that McCandless was a thinker who sought to align his life choices with his values, rejecting societal norms in favor of a more authentic existence. His journey into the wild can be seen as an act of civil disobedience itself—a rejection of a life dictated by external expectations and an embrace of personal freedom and self-reliance.


Chris McCandless was a multifaceted individual whose life and choices continue to inspire and provoke thought. While some may dismiss his actions as foolish, a closer examination reveals a person driven by intelligence, resourcefulness, and a profound commitment to his beliefs. His journey was not merely an escape from society but an exploration of self-discovery, autonomy, and a challenge to conventional notions of success and fulfillment. By understanding McCandless's motivations and actions, we gain insight into the complexities of the human spirit and the enduring quest for meaning in an often materialistic world.

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Psychological Motivations of Chris McCandless. (2019, Oct 16). Retrieved from