Verbal Correspondence and Non-verbal Correspondence

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Updated: Aug 15, 2023
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Verbal correspondence next non-verbal correspondence, which can influence individuals’ recognitions and exchanges in inconspicuous yet huge ways. Non-verbal includes body language communication, for example, motions, outward appearances, eye to eye connection and stance. Contact is a non-verbal communication that not just shows a man’s sentiments or level of solace, however represents identity qualities too. A steady handshake or a tight hug means totally different as compared to regular pet or loose handshake. The significance behind somebody’s words is regularly completely unique in relation to the strict interpretation, like in cases of mockery and joke.

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The clothes we wear and the manner in which we structure our living space are similar types of non-verbal correspondence that oftentimes shape individuals’ judgments about others, paying little respect to regardless of whether the observations are valid. Failure to speak or not saying anything is also a way of communication, the only difference is the result are not as one intend. Non-verbal correspondence is utilized to demonstrate feelings like joy, outrage, pity, intrigue, interest, hurt, inconvenience, uneasiness, humiliation, joy, trust, and so on. Individuals demonstrate these feelings unwittingly the majority of the occasions.

Many express their compassion through non-verbal correspondence as well. Individuals don’t unknowingly fake non-verbal correspondence but very few times do it intentionally. It’s been said you should complement what you say with your signals and non-verbal communication, always observe the nonverbal cues when interacting with someone.

The culture I belong to have many different gestures which are different from other countries. I have a habit of patting people on their shoulders when greeting them, whereas in many other countries it is take as offense thinking that its only done when one is saying that’s enough or enough of it, different people of different culture have a different view and they think its rude to touch anyone when conversing.

The other gesture I use frequently is the thumb-up sign, whenever I finish someone’s work or have to appreciate, I use the thumbs up to indicate that I am done here or to say good work but the same hand gesture in other culture means a offensive word or a abuse. In parts like Israel, parts of Africa and middle east this sign is a bad word to say to someone and people avoid it. In India is a standout amongst the most thickly populated nations on the planet, and it is less space per individual when walking in crowded places like a shopping street, or in public transportation. So, we are accustomed to less space and a coincidental touch by anybody is simply viewed as ordinary as it continues happening whether you are strolling or taking an open transport.

Non-verbal communication gap can be improved by establishing a good eye to eye contact when talking to someone, this way the speaker feels that the person in front is listing to him and is taking interest. Facial gestures speak a lot a about emotion. One should always keep their facial gesture in control. One should always be aware of his/her proximity to others, space is very important in nonverbal communication. Pitch and sound should always be done according to the situation and circumstances. Nonverbal communication are very important and makes life easier by conveying your point easily.

Influential team leaders inspire commitment from team members to meet company goals and objectives. Such leaders also manage change in the workplace by gaining the confidence of workers through effective decision-making and communication.

To succeed in today’s global economy, more and more organizations are relying on a geographically dispersed workforce. They build teams that offer the best functional and technical expertise from around the world, with superior knowledge of promising markets. By bringing together people from many different cultures, these organizations consume the benefits of global diversity – varied work experiences and different perspectives on organizational challenges – enhancing their competitiveness in the current business environment.

However, leaders of global teams face severe challenges. Creating successful workgroups is not difficult when everyone is local and shares the same office space. However, when team members come from different countries and diverse backgrounds, and are working in different locations, communication can take a back seat, potentially leading to misunderstandings and mistrust among employees.

A team is a single entity, despite members differing from one another. Leaders should not encourage sensitivity to differences; instead, they should look for ways to bridge them and build unity. Amol, a 36-year-old leader in a global firm, was assigned to lead 60 people from 25 different countries. These employees spoke 20 different languages and belonged to various age groups. Under his leadership, the previously underperforming and dissatisfied group started working together again. Amol introduced a team motto, “We are different yet one,” initiated group events, created opportunities for employees to share their cultures, and enforced a zero-tolerance policy for any display of cultural insensitivity.

If team members are geographically distant from each other, leaders should encourage frequent contact. A brief call or an email can make all the difference in conveying that their contribution matters. It’s important for the leader to involve employees in decision-making and to thank them for their good work.

A common trait of successful leaders is their vibrant culture that engages and energizes society. Business schools and companies spend a substantial amount on employee and student training, aiming to groom smart and effective future leaders. This benefits the society in which they operate. For instance, the groupthink communication theory focuses on team building and reducing communication gaps. A crucial part of team building is culture; for groups to work effectively, all members must understand and respect their team’s and business’s culture. Undoubtedly, a leader’s success today depends on their ability to shape and develop that culture.

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Verbal Correspondence and Non-verbal Correspondence. (2022, Aug 24). Retrieved from