Venistan: an Ideal State Overcoming a Dictatorship

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Venistan has had a harrowing political history of dictatorship and terrorism, is a country that will heal from these wounds over time. Through domestic concerns, such as a new type of government, the creation of two domestic programs to help the public, the promotion of political socialization of citizens, and a new economic structure, Venistan will be able to heal internally. Joining international organizations for our foreign concerns of economic growth and security, Venistan will become a peace-loving country that puts the security of its citizens first.

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Domestic Concerns

Venistan’s government will be a mixture of a direct democracy and a constitutional democracy, which ensures that the voice of the people can be heard through direct voting and prevents a person from becoming a dictator due to checks and balances of the branches and our Constitution (Magstadt, 2017, p. 73). To keep citizens politically socialized to support the political system, there will be free elections throughout the year for citizens to vote on all proposals of the country and to vote for their representatives (Magstadt, 2017, p. 299). It is important to have the citizens be politically socialized in social issues so they can vocalize, mainly through voting, and participate in political matters (Daily Outlook Afghanistan, 2017).

This government has a legislative, an executive, and a judicial branch, and each has their own function. The legislative branch contains two separate councils; the Citizen’s Council and the State Council. These councils can ratify international treaties; adopt, amend, or appeal federal legislation; and they vote on the executive branch—the Federal Council.

The Federal Council has 9 representatives, and is responsible for assessing situations, determines the best form of action to take, oversees the implementation of this action, and represents all states in Venistan. The Federal Council also decides on draft legislations, informs the public so they can vote politically, and they vote on the judges who will be sitting in the Federal Supreme Court, the judicial branch. The Federal Supreme Court oversees all other Federal courts, such as Administration and Criminal, and has the final say in the states’ laws. Above all else, the major function of the Federal Supreme Court is to ensure that the rights of all citizens, as outlined in our Constitution, are protected. These three branches of government help to keep the checks and balances of Venistan in order so no one person can become a dictator.

Venistan’s domestic programs will do the public good. One of the programs is a pension system that all citizens pay into. This money is for the future of all citizens—older citizens will have social security and the unemployed and survivors of wars, accidents, and disasters will be compensated. Another domestic program is a military program in which both genders will be expected to serve in the military for 18 months; hardship cases can be exempted. Having a mandatory military service will create national unity by promoting equality among citizens and engage citizens in governmental participation (Ayres, 2018).

Venistan’s economic system will be capitalism. Low corporate tax rates will help keep corporations within our borders, employ more citizens for longer, and will help fuel the growth of the market by allowing the supply and demand of goods to affect production (Magstadt, 2017, p. 32). Capitalism will spark inventions and innovations within our country, create a need for education to form the next best product, and promote economic growth (Magstadt, 2017, p. 32).

Foreign Concerns

Venistan will join the World Trade Organization (WTO) for economic growth and the United Nations (UN) for security. The WTO will help us trade internationally through agreements, assist with settling any foreign disputes, negotiating trade agreements, and will help our developing country (World Trade Organization, n. d.). The UN will provide Venistan with maintaining international and domestic peace and security, protect all human rights of our citizens, deliver humanitarian aid, and promote sustainable development (United Nations, n. d.).

Becoming a member of the WTO will open international trading agreements. Our overall economic welfare will help produce a vibrant economy and raising incomes for workers (Magstadt, 2017, p. 116). The WTO has special provisions for developing countries, such as exemptions to certain provisions in agreements, support to help build our infrastructure, and measures to increase international trade opportunities (World Trade Organization, n. d.). This will help import products not found naturally within our borders to support a growing economy, allow us to export our goods and products, and create a better relationship with other countries.

To join the WTO, we will first need to inform the organization about our economic policies that can affect the organization’s policies via a formal memorandum. Second, we will speak with member countries individually regarding tariff rates, market access commitments, and other policies. Any commitment that we will have with one of these member countries will be equal to all members. Third, we will create a draft membership agreement in partnership with the WTO, known as the “Protocol of Accession” treaty, which describes our commitments. Once these steps are completed, the General Council will decide via a two-thirds majority vote that favors us joining (World Trade Organization, n. d.).

Joining the UN for security will be key to help us with the neighboring country and our civil unrest. The UN’s Security Council will help us settle international disputes by peaceful measures at first and imposing diplomatic or economic sanctions on the aggressor country if the peaceful measures do not work to maintain international peace and security (United Nations, n. d.; Magstadt, 2017, p. 558). The UN will be key for Venistan to maintain peace within our borders and against our neighboring country.

To become a member of the UN, we will apply to the Security-General stating that we accept all obligations under their Charter. Nine out of 15 members of the Security Council must affirm our choice, which includes affirmation of all five permanent countries. Once approved, the Security Council will recommend admission to the General Assembly for a required two-thirds vote for membership. Our membership date will be the date that we adopt the resolution of admission.

Venistan will enact different domestic programs that will help combat terroristic threats from our neighboring country and from domestic radicals. We will join Interpol so that we can share intelligence on terrorists with other nations, which will help us foresee any act of terrorism before it begins (Magstadt, 2017, p. 517). Interpol will also help us secure our borders so that terrorists will not enter easily and can prevent future terrorist attacks (Magstadt, 2017, p. 517). We will also develop better domestic intelligence-gathering capabilities by banning memberships in terrorist organizations, creating laws that will impose restrictions on weapons, and create an internal intelligence agency (Magstadt, 2017, pp. 516, 518). By also having citizens report suspicious activities of others, we can prevent domestic terrorism from ruining the country.


A new form of government that is for the people, having a successful economic plan by creating domestic programs for the citizens, promoting political socialization of citizens, and handling all forms of terrorism (international and national), Venistan will be able to overcome the war-ridden past that it has. The citizens of Venistan come first, and the new government will do everything in its power, including looking for international assistance, to become an economic giant in the world. Safety, security, growth, and peace will be what Venistan will become known for.


  1. Ayres, C. (2018). 10 meaningful pros and cons of mandatory military service. Retrieved from
  2. Daily Outlook Afghanistan. (2017). Why political socialization is important? Retrieved from
  3. Magstadt, T. M. (2017). Understanding Politics: Ideas, Institutions, and Issues (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
  4. United Nations. (n. d.). United Nations. Retrieved from
  5. World Trade Organization. (n. d.). World Trade Organization. Retrieved from
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Venistan: An Ideal State Overcoming a Dictatorship. (2022, Jun 22). Retrieved from