US Refugee Policy Reform

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Refugees, hailing from diverse regions worldwide, carry with them a plethora of stories deeply influenced by global issues such as wars, famines, droughts, and religious conflicts. These individuals often seek asylum in the United States, where they encounter a complex and protracted process. This process, while thorough, necessitates an urgent reevaluation to treat refugees with the urgency and compassion they deserve. The United States' current policy imposes significant barriers and delays for refugees seeking a safe haven, suggesting a compelling need for reform.

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The Refugee Journey

Currently, U.S. policy requires refugees to reside in the country for at least five years before they can apply for citizenship. During this period, they must demonstrate an extensive understanding of English, American history, and cultural norms through mandated classes. Initially, refugees must pass rigorous health and background checks, which include verifying whether their home country remains unsafe for them to return to. This exhaustive process often takes between 18 to 24 months, leaving refugees in precarious and uncertain situations during this time.

In 2018, the United States set a cap on refugee admissions at an all-time low of 45,000, yet only admitted 22,491, just about half of this maximum quota. The following year, the limit was reduced further to 30,000, setting a concerning trend of diminishing support for refugees.

Misconceptions and Realities

Refugees are frequently misunderstood, with misconceptions overshadowing their contributions and intentions. Contrary to popular belief, refugees undergo extensive security screenings, particularly those from conflict-ridden regions like Syria. It is crucial to note that 94% of terrorist attacks in America are not perpetrated by Muslims, and refugees with criminal backgrounds or contagious illnesses are barred from entry. Thus, the refugees who are admitted have been thoroughly vetted as law-abiding individuals seeking safety and stability.

Despite these facts, some argue against altering the current policy. One point of contention is the financial burden on taxpayers, estimated at $79,600 per refugee over five years, culminating in an annual cost of approximately $1.8 billion. Additionally, concerns about safety persist, with references to a few terrorism cases involving refugees or other immigrants. Moreover, a 2007 poll indicated that a significant portion of Syrians expressed support for groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad, fueling fears of potential ideological threats.

The Moral Imperative for Change

Yet, at the core of this debate lies a fundamental question of human rights and dignity. Every individual, regardless of origin, deserves basic human rights, which include safety, respect, and the opportunity to thrive. The current U.S. refugee policy fails to adequately provide these essentials. Refugees deserve a welcoming and supportive environment, a safe place to sleep, and the chance to integrate into society without enduring prolonged uncertainty and hardship.

The argument for policy reform is not just about numbers or security concerns; it is about upholding the values of compassion and humanity. By creating a more efficient and humane system, the United States can demonstrate leadership in addressing one of the most pressing humanitarian issues of our time. This involves not only raising the refugee cap but also streamlining the process to ensure that refugees can begin rebuilding their lives more swiftly and with dignity.


In conclusion, the current U.S. policy on refugees demands significant reform to better reflect the nation's values of compassion, justice, and leadership. While financial and security concerns must be addressed, they should not overshadow the moral imperative to provide a safe and welcoming environment for refugees. By enhancing the refugee admission process, the United States can uphold its reputation as a beacon of hope and freedom for those fleeing persecution and turmoil. Ultimately, policy changes are necessary to ensure that refugees are treated with the urgency, kindness, and respect they rightfully deserve.

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US Refugee Policy Reform. (2022, Aug 26). Retrieved from